YAHWEH's Sword

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The Psalms of Thanksgiving To YAHWEH

YAHWEH I Accept THY Judgments Upon Me

Though mine eye sleep not at night,
though YAHWEH assail me without mercy,
though in anger HE stir up HIS fury 
and pursue me unto destruction;
though the breakers of death swirl around me, 
though Sheol  be upon my couch;
though my bed take up a lament, 
and my couch a cry of anguish;
though mine eye smart as through the smoke of an oven,  
though my tears flow like rivers; 
though mine eyes fail,  and I have no rest;
though my strength stand afar off,
and my life be put aside;
though I go from rout to ruin,7
from pain to plague,
from pangs to throes,

Yet will I muse on Thy wonders;
for You, in Thy lovingkindness,
hast at no time cast me off.
My soul will delight in the abundance of Thy mercies, 
and I shall have wherewith to reply
to him that would confound me,
and to gainsay him that would abase me.
I shall refute his case,
and vindicate Thy judgment.

For I have come to know Thy Truth;
I accept Thy judgments upon me,
and am content with my afflictions.
I have learned to put hope in Thy mercy;
for You hast placed in the mouth of Thy servant
 the power to win Thy grace,
and hast not mortally rebuked him,
neither renounced his wellbeing,
neither frustrated his hope.
Rather hast You braced His spirit
to withstand affliction.

You it is founded my spirit,
and You knowest its every intent;
and so in my straitness
You hast given me reassurance.
I delight in the promise of pardon,
and repent my former transgression;
for in Thy mercy lies hope,
and confidence in Thine abundant power.

For none can prove himself righteous
when You bringest him unto judgment.
Though man may prove more righteous than man, 
none can contend with Thee.
Though a human may prove wiser than a beast, 
though flesh may be that which is molded out of clay
though one spirit may prove mightier than another, 
yet naught can match Thy power in strength. 
Thy glory hath no equal,
Thy wisdom no measure,
Thy truth no bound;
and all that have forfeited them
are doomed to perdition.

Behold, for my own part,
through Thee I have prospered my way,
through Thee maintained my stand;
for You hast not abandoned me
unto them that seek my hurt.
Whenever they plot against me,
You savest me from their grasp,
and if they are bent to disgrace me,
You in Thy mercy dost confound them.
If mine enemy vaunt himself against me,
it proves to his own undoing;" " Literally, 'stumbling'.
and they that battle against me
are overwhelmed with disgrace,
and shame overtakes them that revile me.

For at every time, 0 my YAHWEH,
You dost fight my fight. 
Though now, in Thine inscrutable wisdom, You rebuke me,
yet art You but hiding the truth until its time
and Thy glory until its season.
Then will Thy rebuilding of me
be turned into gladness and joy;
my plague shall be turned to perpetual health,
the scorn of my foes to a diadem of glory, 
my halting steps to enduring strength.
Lo, through Thy NAME and through Thy POWER,
light has shone forth upon me.
You hast brought me light out of darkness,
hast given me health in place of plague,
wondrous strength in place of stumbling,
and abiding enlargement for the straitness of my soul.

You art my refuge and my tower,
my rock of retreat and my stronghold;
in Thee do I take refuge from all that pursue me, 
and You art mine escape evermore.

Or ever my father begat me,
You didst know me;
from the womb of my mother
You didst shower me with Thy mercy
You didst wean me
from the breasts of her that conceived me
Thy mercies have been shed upon me.
On the bosom of my nurse You didst sustain me,
and from my youth up
You hast enlightened me with understanding of Thy judgments,
held me firm by Thy truth,
and caused me to delight in Thy kodesh spirit:
and even unto this day
You dost stay my goings.

Though Thy just rebuke be with my body,
yet will my soul be saved
by Thy watch over my wellbeing.
With every step I take
Thine abundant forgiveness enfolds me,
and when You arraignest me,
Thy mercies overwhelm me.
Even unto old age
You wilt yet sustain me.
For my father hath renounced me,
and my mother hath abandoned me to Thee; 
yet You art a FATHER to all that know Thy truth,
and You wilt rejoice over them
like a mother who pitieth her babe,
and You wilt feed all Thy works
as a nurse feeds her charge at the bosom. 
Who can fathom the designs of Thy heart?
(Missing text) 
Apart from Thee hath nothing existed
and without Thy will will nothing be;
yet can none understand Thy
nor gaze upon Thy. 

What is man, mere earth,
kneaded out of clay,
destined to return unto the dust, 
that You shouldst give him insight into Thy wonders
and make him privy to things divine?
As for me,
I am but dust and ashes.
What can I devise except You hast desired it?
And what can I think apart from Thy will?
And how be strong except You hast stayed me,
or stumble except You hast constrained (?)  me?
How speak except You hast opened my mouth?
How reply except You hast given me sense?
Lo, You art the PRINCE of the angels,
and the KING of all that are in heaven ,
and YAHWEH of every spirit,
and the RULER of every deed.
Without THEE nothing is wrought,
and without Thy will can nothing be known. 
None there is beside Thee,
and none to share Thy power,
and none to match Thy glory,
and Thy power is beyond price.
Which among all Thy great wondrous works
has power to stand before Thee?
How much less, then, can he who returns to his dust attain to such power.
Only for Thine own glory hast You done all these

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Get understanding for it shall preserve you against the deceiver in the final hour we are coming to in the sixth day.

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