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The Will Of YAHWEH, Speak The Truth & Recognize a Liar

True Yisrael are those who are doing the YAHWEH'S will,
not talking about it!

Today's world is wicked, and as you can see the prophecies of the end times are being fulfilled daily. We are experiencing the plagues and warnings MESSIYAH told us would be the signs. Our brotherly love is now growing cold. The morals of the people have faded to that of the once inhabited cities of Sodom and Gomorrah!

The doctrines of those who call themselves "Popes, Reverends, Fathers", etc. are leading  people to The Wide Gate, instead of The Narrow Gate. (MattithYah 7:13-14). The people are being led to a slaughter for their lack of knowledge. (Hoshea 4:6).

MESSIYAH explained to HIS disciples in (MattithYah 24:4) "See to it that no one mislead you." But how can that happen if we are allowing Satan's disciples to run synagogues, churches, tabernacles, etc.. These people are wolves in sheep's clothing (MattithYah 7:15) who lie and tell us they know the Word of YAHWEH yet have little or no understanding, and are "Always learning yet never able to come to the knowledge of  the truth." (Timtheous Bet 3:7)

We are following Sha'ul's instruction trying to keep deceivers from re-gaining the upper hand and cutting off opportunity for them to go on lying. QorintYah Bet      (2 Corinthians) 11:12-15) Most of today's lost sheep are only lost because they are following a blind guide (MattithYah 15:14) and they will continue to follow him until he is brought to light. 

Here are a few ways for you to recognize a liar:

1.) Confront him with "Do you know ABBA'S true proper NAME?" It is not "God, Lord, Ansonia, Ha Shem, Jesus, Elohim, or Mr. Deity!"
2.) If there is a cross, or statutes of religious figures  inside of the building there is a definite problem.
3.) Does your congregation celebrate holidays such as the Chri-st-mass, Easter, Lent, or any other holidays not prescribed by YAHWEH? (Pagan Assemblies)
4.) Do the people running your assembly expect to be called "Pope, Reverend, Father, Bishop, Arch Bishop, or Cardinal?" (If they are not Deacon, Pastor, Elder, or Servant there is a problem!)
5.) Do they keep The "Ten Commandments" including The Shabbat SetApart as instructed throughout our Scriptures?

These may seem basic to some people, but believe me there are congregations out there today that regularly experience at least one of these problems daily. These are not minor flaws, this is flagrant disobedience to the truth. The same disobedience that ABBA YAHWEH recognized in Yisrael's people. He called them an "Obstinate People." (Shemoth (Exodus) 33:3, 33:5) If you look how ABBA explained it to Mosheh look at these following Scriptures  to see how adamant ABBA YAHWEH was at following Mosheh to see HE meant it. (Shemoth 32:9 also 34:9) He also told (YeshaYahu, (Isaiah) the same thing in 48:4) and (Yehezqel, (Ezekiel) 2:4, and 3:7) it goes on and on for a people who chose greed, harlotry, tradition, and deception above the Words of their ABBA YAHWEH! (Look up the word obstinate)

This is not uncommon my Brothers and Sisters, this is continued today by most Catholic and Christian folks who are under the influence of the spirit of traditions! What you will hear from them is; "We are merely carrying on the traditions handed down to us!" My response to that answer is; "yes you are." "You are carrying on the same pagan-satanic ritualistic garbage that others carried down because they chose to allow mans precepts to overcome ABBA'S will!" "Ignorance!"

You can not explain ignorance to ABBA YAHWEH! Ever! If you are a "stand firm son or daughter" you know the rules of the house. (Yahshua Ben Nun (Joshua) 1:8) or in the "Brit Hadashah" (The New Covenant) (Timtheous Bet 2:15) We must keep HIS Word in our mouth  day and night, and "study to show ourselves approved handling HIS word accurately" not speculating or doing what the others do just to be accepted by them!

I am by no means criticizing you  if you are just coming to the word, "or the truth of it." We have been handed a pack of lies for so long that we grasp hold of them never really capable of learning the truth! I too was baptized in the of Jesus. I was so completely grateful that I had to learn every thing about HIM. I joined a few of the study groups available and applied the same time to ABBA YAHWEH as I use to apply to worldly things. I'm telling  you it wasn't even a month before I seen something that was awfully wrong with Chr-stian doctrine.

HIS love is sufficient for all of us. HIS mercy abounding, HIS love unfathomable and HIS desire for us "unquenchable!" to overcome all things and be perfect before YAHWEH.

When we honestly desire to approach ABBA YAHWEH with our whole heart (Devarim (Deuteronomy) 4:29,  Dibre ha Yamim Bet (Chronicles)15:4 HE makes a way for us not only to be reconciled to HIM , SchmuEl Bet- (2 Samuel)14:14  but also that we are made to be clean as snow. And we will stop at nothing if we truly desire that relationship. If a man put half the effort into seeking ABBA YAHWEH that he puts into finding a girl to leave the bar with on Friday night  the reward would be miraculous!

But this too is where the problem starts! What a man wants for himself is usually 95% against what our ABBA knows he needs. Then again there are those who will do all they are capable of to find the Truth. I pray that this reaches those eyes and ears! The time is near it's obvious with what is going on in this wicked world that ABBA YAHWEH is calling Yisrael out of Hiding.

The preachers of the world are becoming more and more obvious in their true goals, and the methods they are using are to obtain your trust. Many are preaching a message to as they call it ''True Yisrael.'' Can you look around, and point out true Yisrael ? YAHSHUA MESSIYAH described his sisters, and brothers as ''Whoever does the will of MY ABBA.'' (Markus 3: 35) " I am positive HE knew who HIS family was!''

You Do Not Believe The Truth Because You Are Not Of My Sheep

The world preachers are preaching a racial doctrine, yet Yoel (Joel) 2: 32 explicitly says: "And it will come about that who so ever calls on the NAME of YAHWEH shall be delivered.'' Where is a race described in there? Please see our study on this site called ''Racism.'' MESSIYAH was standing on the portico of the tabernacle Solomon built at the feast of the dedication when the Pharisees, and Sadducees  approached HIM to question HIM. HE was explaining to them that the works HE was doing in YAHWEH'S NAME would give witness of HIM. At this time HE made a statement we should take hold of. HE told them ''You do not believe because you are not of MY sheep.'' (Yochanan 10:22-26) HalleluYahweh!

Now here are some supposed ''Jews'' (Yahdaim) and MESSIYAH plainly tells them ''They are not HIS sheep.'' That would lead us to the truth. True Yisrael are those who are doing the ABBA'S will, not talking about it! Check it out, you might just find out that a lot of people who are out there preaching have a different purpose in mind than leading the lost sheep home. They may just be taking you for a ride, and the destination may be very hot?

Do not fall victim to lies, and deception, do not fall for every word some guy standing in a pulpit tells you without thoroughly studying supportive Scripture.

True Yisraels actions speak much louder than their words. ''You will know them by their fruit." (Yochanan 15:8-11) We  pray for our brothers, and sisters to come join us in our stand. So if you're real, and if ABBA'S will is what you are truly seeking may HIS blessing be upon you. Let us know who you are, and what we can do to help you grow. Soon! Time is short!

Keep the Faith!

In YAHSHUA'S precious NAME,

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