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RACISM In The Church

This modern worldly church still operates within the veil of racism!

Shalom, and greetings in the NAME of YAHWEH and HIS blessed Son YAHSHUA MESSIYAH. I have an important issue to discuss with believers and those who wish to call themselves believers, but are not. The issue I'm speaking of is "RACISM".  And I pray I can open your eyes to Racists from all cultures and walks of life. HalleluYah!

Today's lines of communication are much more open than they were in previous years, right up to the 40's. But unfortunately, behind the scenes, ethniticity is building barriers and color wars.

Does It Really Make Any Difference What Color YAHSHUA'S Skin was?

Some people portray a White MESSIYAH and some a Black MESSIYAH, and I'm sure an Oriental MESSIYAH or Hispanic MESSIYAH is hanging on someone's wall somewhere! But the fact of the matter is why? And who drew it? And how did they come to a conclusion of what MESSIYAH looked like other than the fact that Scripture tells us HE would be an average looking man. YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 53:2 tells us "HE has no stately form or excellency, that we should look upon HIM nor appearance that we should be attracted to HIM."

Did The Color Of YAHSHUA'S Skin Make Any Difference In His Mission?

How does one get Black, White, Yellow, or Red out of that? Does it really make any difference what color HIS skin was, or was HIS mission more important? Did HE come to tear the veil of that tabernacle in two? Or did HE come to put another veil up? A color veil? From what I have read MESSIYAH came to save that which was lost, and HE healed, Samaritans, Jews, Romans, Syrophoenicians and whoever else cried out to HIM with faith and a pure heart.

 Principles Are Behind The Racists?

Do you know what the principles are behind the Racists? Let's start out with a Dirty five-letter-word "PRIDE", and move on to another Dirty four-letter-word "ENVY", and another "HATE". These are spoken of right after we put on the full armour of YAHWEH in EphsiYah (Ephesians) 6:11-12; "our struggle is against the rulers", "against the powers", "against the principalities"; remember I just told you that those principalities are "Pride, Envy, and Hate."

He That Loveth Not His Brother Whom He Hath Seen

How can a professing believer have these qualities and claim to serve our ABBA (FATHER) YAHWEH? I'll tell you right now, "He cannot". I say if he has these qualities "He is a Liar!" "And the love of the ABBA is NOT in him!" I Yochanan 2:3,4,9,11,16,18, and  Yochanan Alef (1 John) 3:10. Look them all up right now! Now look at Yochanan Alef  4:20; it says it all! "If someone says that he loves YAHWEH and hates his brother he is a liar, for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love YAHWEH whom he has not seen." HalleluYah.

I was watching a tennis match one day. (I like tennis) Serena & Monica (Williams vs Seles). Some guys were sitting in front of the TV talking about how the one girl had more style cause of her color and the other one had more speed cause of her color and it started a dispute over a racial issue. At first I began to laugh at the ignorance and stupidity of those guys and then it hit me "this is real separation". Now this is the bad part, "I was in the chapel" and these were so called "believers". I left there totally disgusted!

Here's Racism At It's Finest

"Who is accepted into the kingdom of YAHWEH"? Nebuchadnezzar flourished in Babylon as a ruler, but was seemingly a double-minded man Ya'aqob (James) 1:8  so we see ABBA YAHWEH allowed him to suffer for a time to allow him to see who is sovereign over all. But when he was "driven away" he was not turned into a German, or an African, or an Oriental. No, he was turned into an animal, a beast of the field. The clue is in the writing "He was driven away from mankind". Dani'el (Daniel) 4:32-37 He was driven away from mankind because "only mankind" will be accepted into that kingdom, Bereshith (Genesis) 12:3 "All the families" of the earth. Not certain people, but all who come to HIM!

Did you notice the end of the 37th verse in Daniel  4? Do you see whom he will humble? The prideful, that's exactly right, because it is a "principality" and folks keep overlooking the fact that we must put on the armor and overcome all of those powers of the earth! (Satan's Powers)

He is Yahdaim (a Jew) who is one inwardly. RomiYah (Romans) 2:29! Not of the flesh, for the flesh is nothing. We must learn to be masters over the flesh and we cannot accomplish that if we are all worried about coloring each other! What needs to be done is ABBA'S will "not Lucifer's will." Lucifer's will is that you perish with him and that none come to repentance. That is from hell or Sheol, or Gehenna or whatever you choose to call it, but it is not from YAHWEH.

My elder, David Roberts, asked me to refrain from attacking racist promoters like Peter Peters, and David Lane, and the others who oppress a true scriptural walk, and teach lies to their congregations, who out of ignorance walk in a much unworthy manner. This stems from a lack of scriptural knowledge and from fear.

I do not believe I have pictures or paintings of the MESSIYAH. These are graven images (Commandment #2) also crosses, or stamped or graven heads of MESSIYAH or other scriptural characters. These things are all directly disobeying our ABBA'S Commandment. HalleluYah! Shemoth (Exodus) 20:4

I have a student who is taken in by racist doctrine. (This is weakness) I also have a so called Reverend on the other side of me that calls Whites "Crackers" and he swears by his god that they are not going to be part of the kingdom. It's a little funny but I don't believe I've ever seen a White man or Black man. Skin pigmentation will not allow that. However, there are light-skinned folks and dark-skinned folks all over the world.

Yochanan, while at the isle of Patmos after receiving a vision recognized MESSIYAH as "The Lamb standing between the throne and the Elders." He does not say "I saw a White guy or a Black Guy", or anything else, He said "A Lamb." Do you figure YAHWEH already contemplated "Racism" and figured it to be another good judgment tool? I do!

RACISM In The Church! 

C'mon you guys put the crayons away, quit scattering the flock!  C'mon, RACISM In The Church! Church leaders wake up your followers! Our chapel has 3 praise teams, a White praise team, a Black praise team, and a Hispanic praise team. It's pathetic, because none of them play music for ABBA YAHWEH! They play it for all the men. Their praise is "All from men also." I refuse to play in a praise team unless it's YAH'S praise team. HalleluYah. There is only one way to look at those people. QorintYah Bet (2 Corinthians) 11:12-15! 

Here is a fact, "Even if ten tribes went north into the Caucasus mountain range and inhabited that area, two tribes still went south." (HalleluYah) We will not name those tribes, you figure it out. But they went south to Cush and their blood line went with them, but does it matter? No, because he is Yahdaim (a Jew) who is one inwardly, not of the flesh (Get it Pete?)- or let me put it to you like this for prejudice people: YeshaYahu  56:3 " Let NOT the foreigner who has joined himself to YAHWEH say: YAHWEH will surely separate me from HIS people,"  Look at verses 4 & 5 "For thus says YAHWEH to the eunuchs who keep MY Shabbats, and choose the things what pleases ME, and hold fast MY Covenant; To them will I give in MY house and within MY walls a memorial and a name better than that of sons and daughters: I will give them an everlasting name which WILL NOT BE CUT OFF."  Now verse 6, " Also to the foreigners, who join themselves to YAHWEH, to minister to HIM, and to LOVE THE NAME of YAHWEH, to be HIS servants, every one that keeps from profaning the Shabbat, and  holds fast MY Covenant;" Read YeshaYahu  56:1-8!


How can people not see this? You would have to be totally ignorant or just plain old "BLIND to Racism". I'll tell you what, "Those who keep trying to change ABBA YAHWEH'S Words with their LYING tongues better stop it RIGHT NOW"! I plead MESSIYAH'S Blood on it right now! The furnace is hot and is coming! You better read YeshaYahu 61:1-11 and weep if you hate your brother and cry and mourn if you have afflicted your sister, ask for forgiveness or fall in the wake of HIS wrath, for YAHSHUA has been sent to proclaim HIS good news to the afflicted and the Spirit of YAHWEH is upon Him!



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