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Learning To Endure, Stand Firm And Persevere

Hello greetings and blessings in the NAME of YAHWEH our Heavenly ABBA (FATHER) and HIS SON YAHSHUA MESSIYAH, "We are a blessed People".

Right now I am sitting awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Frances, which the eye is predicted to go directly over me, and others in my area! I anticipate that Frances will be tough due to the fact that my mother's name was Frances and she was beneficial in my learning to endure, stand firm and persevere.

Anticipating the arrival of a storm in our lives is basically a pre-requisite for a "stand firm believer" in the faith MattithYah (Matthew) 24:21. These storms are not always physical storms, but for "many" spiritual storms, or should I say catastrophes? Why catastrophes? Well because MESSIYAH gave us a warning that there was a possibility that through "deception" "many would be led astray", "even the elect if possible" MattithYah  24:24. But let us back up a little bit in MattithYah  24.

Let us see how important it is for us to be very careful in our discernment of scripture, along with the people we choose to teach or relate it to us! 

As I explained in the first lesson "Extreme Spiritual Makeover" MESSIYAH explained to some of the disciples that we should be prepared to deal with false messiahs MattithYah  24:4, meaning "watch out so that none is able to mislead you"! They are going to try to.

There will unquestionably be times in our lives we may be weakened by our adversary Satan (the worm). This is the reason we must learn to "persevere", when we are weak in the word "it cripples our faith", when we are ill doctrinated "it destroys our chances of survival in this battle". Shaul (Paul) wrote to a young man named Titus to encourage him (which all good brothers do) to continue in his teaching, again specifically calling Titus to teach accurate doctrine! Titus 2:6-7

But...the problem does not always stop there. The teachers some of us choose to be instructed by are not always what they seem to be. Because a man is in a little black suit with a white spot in the collar, "it does not qualify him to teach accurate doctrine". Personal jet, surrounded by family members who claim to be teachers also "does not mean YAHWEH has placed him as HIS anointed"! Many of these men merely desire the chief seats in the synagogues and to be exalted by other man. Luka (Luke) 20:45-47, 11:43

In MattithYah  7:15 MESSIYAH stresses the point heavily while explaining to the disciples that they should be very cautious of who they encounter in their mission. This message is for us today as it was for the disciples then: "Beware of those that come in to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves"!

First let me expound on the word "ravenous" "raven-ous" - hungry to consume, greedy, predatory. The dictionary relates the word to "voracious" it means - after something with an "unquenchable appetite". The word "wolves" is simple even a 10 year old knows this animal will eat it's own young to quench it's appetite. (literally)

They are among us, in our assemblies (Jude verse 12) What do we do with them? MattithYah 15:14. We can identify them once we are acquainted with the ABBA'S Word and have studied it, Timtheous Bet (2 Timothy) 2:15. Not just read it, but "live it".

Let me explain something important. I do not like to finger point, but I heard my Elder David Roberts give an awesome sermon the other night, and he is exactly right. If I do not point out to you the deceivers then I become a tool for them. I will not allow that to happen!

I relate this "ravenous wolves" to 95% of today’s television evangelists! Those guys make my skin crawl, they are deceivers, and they are like the wolf, "the hungrier they get the more dangerous they become". They distort scripture, they do not live by the Commandments or statutes ABBA placed there to identify HIS loved ones by. But they want that "Almighty Dollar" don't they!

If we are to "persevere" we must become fit for the race, we must train, strengthen ourselves and be consistent. We must learn to overcome using ABBA'S Word and the gifts HE gave us to discern an accurate teacher from a wolf. Many change scripture to meet their own needs Timtheous Bet 4:3-4. But we have the tools to recognize these wolves if we use them to our advantage Ivrim (Hebrews) 5:14.

Many of us have the tools, we are born with them, QorintYah Bet(2 Corinthians) 5:5. The problem is we are like a golfer who steps up to the tee with a baseball bat. We have the ability to get through the fairways, but what happens when we get to the putting green, "with a round putter"? How about a tennis player with a racquetball paddle? You see "the precision is lost". The accuracy is augmented that the player loses his or her advantage! All of a sudden this world champion is just another player!

We persevere in doing good RomiYah (Romans) 2:7. Did you help a neighbor today? Out of the blue just go over and ask him or her if they need your help. Put their garbage cans away for them, will they notice? If they do, you have not done it enough in the past. See someone struggling with something; ask if you could help, "Share your faith". Help an older woman load her groceries, mow her lawn. It will make you feel great when they smile!

That smile means "Thank you so much not many people would have done that for me". Now try it with the world. Can you even imagine the smiles MESSIYAH saw? WOW! That had to be the greatest thing that was possible. "To give life", guess what, by your actions, your faith, your love, you too can help others receive life Ya'aqob (James) 5:19-20. It is a good deed nothing surpasses!

Sure we will be tempted RomiYah  5:3. But we overcome, that is the best part. TesloniqYah Bet (2 Thessalonians) 1:4. You almost never see the word perseverance, without seeing tribulations nearby! They run hand-in-hand. In  TesloniqYah Bet 1:3 we see how we overcome, "your faith is enlarged, and the love of each one of you toward one another grows ever greater"! This starts by evicting the wolves, the liars, and the deceivers out of our lives. The replacing of "pure doctrine" put back in, and standing firm, enduring, "persevering" till the end, not until you get home from the meeting!

Actions do speak louder than words! Do your actions show Yochanan (John) 13:34? Verse 35!

Make sure you keep up on this website for truth, if you have any trouble understanding these scriptures or need assistance in your spiritual walk, contact us, all the information you need is available here.

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May YAHWEH Barak You with Shalom