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What Does It Mean to be Born From Above?

Unless you are born from above, 
 (Yochanan 3:3)

Before we can fully understand what being born from above means (Greek- gennethe anothen -wrongly translated born again) we must first realize what we as human beings truly are. According to Scripture, we are all law breakers (sinners 1 Yochanan Alef (John) 3:4). Disobedient and rebellious children who from the first man have all disobeyed the Law of YAHWEH. (RomiYah (Romans) 3:10-18, Bereshith (Genesis) 2:15-17).

In RomiYah 5: 12-21 we are given a true picture of every person who is not covered by the MESSIYAH, from Adam on down through the ages. Because of disobedience we all live in a fallen state, we are separated from YAHWEH because of law breaking (YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 59:1-15, RomiYah 6:23). Law breaking (sin) separates us from fellowship with YAHWEH (Bereshith (Genesis) 3:22-24) and in the end brings spiritual death (RomiYah 8:6-8, GalutYah- (Galatians) 6:7-8).

Because of law breaking, YAHWEH, who loves the creation, gave us the only begotten SON, so that whoever believes in HIM will not be destroyed, but have eternal life! (Yochanan  3: 16).

If we want to live with YAHWEH forever, we must believe and trust in YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH, who delivered us from the wages of law breaking which is spiritual death, or separation from fellowship with YAHWEH forever (RomiYah 5:10, Bereshith 2:17, Ya’aqob (James) 1:15).

YAHSHUA did this by firstly living a life free of law breaking QorintYah Bet-         (2 Corinthians) 5:21, Ivrim (Hebrews) 4:15,  Kepha Alef (1Peter) 2:21-25,  Yochanan Alef 3:5). MESSIYAH YAHSHUA the LAMB is without fault and free from all defilement, HE laid down HIS life on the execution stake for the law breaking (sin) of all mankind  (Kepha Alef 1:19, Ivrim  9:11-28).

YAHSHUA overcame law breaking for all who accept HIS offering (RomiYah 4:25, YeshaYahu 53:4-6, RomiYah 5:8,  Kepha Alef 3:18-22).  YAHSHUA also made it possible for all who believe and trust in HIM to become free of Law breaking (sin) and all evil! (RomiYah 6:1-14, QolesaYah (Colossians) 3:1-17, Kepha Alef 2:21-25).

Because of what YAHSHUA did on the execution stake, we now have access to YAHWEH, we are no longer separated from fellowship with YAHWEH, IF we keep believing and trusting in YAHSHUA AND obey HIS Commandments (QolesaYah 1:19-23).

When we understand that our disobedience of YAHWEH'S Commandments is the root of our being separated from YAHWEH, and what we need to do is accept YAHSHUA'S offering so that we can have fellowship with YAHWEH, then we can understand YAHSHUA'S work of reconciliation (EphsiYah (Ephesians) 2:14-22).

YAHSHUA paid the price with HIS life and blood; HE ransomed us from the penalty of Law breaking, HE died for all of us, so that we could have eternal life! What we need to do is believe and trust that all these things are true, that YAHSHUA will truly deliver us  (RomiYah 10:8-13).

This is the first step in working out our own deliverance with fear and trembling (PhylypsiYah (Philippians) 2:12-18). The next step is to turn around/away (repent) from all evil and quit breaking YAHWEH's Law!! (Luka 13:3-5, Ma'aseh- Shlichim Acts 2:36-39, RomiYah 6:1­14). We must confess our disobedience to YAHWEH, so that YAHWEH will forgive us, and clean us from all Law breaking and evil (Tehillim (Psalms) 32:5, Yochanan Alef 1 :9).

Now we are ready to receive the Spirit of YAHWEH. Yochanan the immerser (Yochanan, the baptizer) spoke of this in Luka 3:16; "I indeed immerse you in water, another comes who will immerse you with the Set Apart Spirit and fire!" YAHSHUA also spoke about this in Yochanan 3:3-8; "Truly, truly I tell you, except you be born from above you cannot see the kingdom of YAHWEH." Also YAHSHUA said; "But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go away, because if I do not go away the Helper by no means will come to you the Spirit of truth, who will guide you into all truth (Yochanan 16:7-13). The Spirit of YAHWEH lives inside all those who love YAHWEH, and truly follow the YAHSHUA Way. The Spirit gives us peace in our inner beings, and is our seal from YAHWEH (Yochanan 14:23-27, EphsiYah 1:11-14).

The Spirit of YAHWEH teaches us to overcome our fallen evil nature (fleshly nature/human nature) and obey the Commandments of YAHSHUA (RomiYah 8, GalutYah 5:16-26, 1 Yochanan 5:1-3).

When we learn to listen and walk in the Spirit of YAHWEH, we will overcome all evil and Law breaking will no longer be found in us!! (GalutYah 5:18).

What It Means To Be Born From Above

This is what it means to be born from above, to let the Spirit rule in our hearts so that we can become what YAHWEH wants us to be! By following the Spirit, obeying and seeking YAHWEH'S righteousness, we will be able to overcome our fallen evil nature (die to ourselves!!), the Adversary, and all evil.

YAHSHUA won the victory, and YAHWEH sent the Spirit of truth so that we can be born from above, and walk in the fruits of the Spirit, which are; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, belief and trust, meekness and self-control!! (GalutYah 5:22,23).

"Therefore, be watchful and do not break the Law (sin), do not let the sun go down while you are still upset, nor yield anything to the accuser (devil). Those who were once thieves, let them steal no more, but let them work with their own hands that which is good, so that they can share with those who are in need. Let no evil word proceed out of your mouths, but speak only what is good, that which builds up others according to their needs, so that those who are listening will find favour in your words. DO NOT GRIEVE THE SET APART SPIRIT OF YAHWEH, by whom you were sealed for the day of deliverance! All bitterness, anger, hostility, violent outcries, and evil speaking remove from yourselves, along with all that is evil. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as YAHWEH also forgave you in the MESSIYAH" (EphsiYah 4:25-32).

"Be at peace in yourselves. We urge you brothers, warn the idle, comfort the faint-hearted, help those who are weak, be patient with all people. Make sure that no one returns evil for evil, but always follow what is good in regard to one another and to all people. Always rejoice, pray without stopping, in everything give thanks, because this is YAHWEH'S will for you in the MESSIYAH YAHSHUA. Do not put out the Spirit’s fire, do not treat prophecies with contempt and test all things, holding on to that which is good. Keep away from every form of evil and YAHWEH will set you apart from all evil and your entire spirit, inner being (soul) and body will be kept blameless in the presence of our Master YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH. Faithful is the ONE calling you, who indeed will do it" (TesloniqYah Alef (1 Thessalonians) 5:13-24).

"Do you not understand that you are a set apart place (tabernacle) of YAHWEH, and the Spirit of YAHWEH lives in you!? If anyone defiles the set apart place of YAHWEH, YAHWEH will destroy them, because the set apart place of YAHWEH is set apart from all evil, which you are!!" (QorintYah Alef (1 Corinthians)- 3:16-17). 

"I urge you brothers, through the loving kindness of YAHWEH, to present your bodies as a living offering, set apart from all evil and well pleasing to YAHWEH, which is our reasonable service. Do not be conformed to this present age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you will be able to prove what is the will of YAHWEH!" (RomiYah 12:1-2).

"So then brothers, we are in debt, not to the fallen evil nature (fleshly nature/human nature), because if according to the fallen evil nature you are living, you are about to die (spiritually), but if by the Spirit the desires of the body you put to death then you will live (spiritually). Because as many as by the Spirit of YAHWEH are led, these are children of YAHWEH!" (RomiYah 8:12-14).

"We speak a wisdom from YAHWEH, in the truth revealed which had been hidden, which YAHWEH set before the ages for our honour. None of the rulers of this age understood this, because if they had known, they would not have executed the Master of Honour! But as it has been written; No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered the heart of mankind how much YAHWEH has prepared for those who love YAHWEH. YAHWEH revealed it to us through the Spirit, because the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of YAHWEH. What man understands the things of man, but the spirit of man in him. So likewise, the things of YAHWEH no one knows except the Spirit of YAHWEH. We did not receive the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from YAHWEH, so that we will know the things YAHWEH has freely given us. These things we do not teach in words of human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things. But the natural man (ruled by the fallen evil nature) does not receive the things of the Spirit of YAHWEH, because they are foolishness to them, and they cannot understand, because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual man on one hand discerns all things, on the other hand they are discerned by no one. Who understands the mind of YAHWEH, or who will teach YAHWEH? Yet we have the mind of the MESSIYAH!" (QorintYah Alef 2:7-16).

"The Spirit is what gives life, the flesh has no benefit at all, the words which I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life!!" (Yochanan 6:63).

"The wind blows wherever it wishes and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes, so is everyone having been born of the Spirit!" (Yochanan 3:8).

This is what it means to be born from above, and as YAHSHUA said: "Unless you are born from above, YOU CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF YAHWEH." (Yochanan 3:3)


 By Brother Pat McCulloch

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