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Workers Of The Spirit In
YAHWEH'S New Covenant

The exceeding honour of YAHWEH'S New Covenant is a working of the Spirit; workers have confidence from YAHWEH, Who makes them workers of the Spirit.

The exceeding honour of YAHWEH'S New Covenant is a working of the Spirit; that its workers have their confidence from YAHWEH, who makes them workers of the Spirit, and makes them able to speak the Word of YAHWEH through the Spirit, who writes them on the heart. 

"You are our letters, having been inscribed in our hearts, being known and read by all men.  Showing that you are a letter of the MESSIYAH, attended by us, having been inscribed not by ink, but by the Spirit of the living Mighty One, not on stone tablets, but on tablets of fleshly hearts. Such confidence we have through the MESSIYAH toward YAHWEH, not that we are confident in ourselves, accounting anything as of ourselves, but our confidence is from YAHWEH, who also made us competent attendants of a New Covenant; not of letter, but from the Spirit, because the letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive!" QorintYah Bet-(2 Corinthians) 3: 2-6

We have seen that the New Covenant is a working of the Spirit. The SetApart Spirit works all the Spirit's favor and blessings in YAHWEH'S power. The Spirit does some of this through men, who are called attendants of a New Covenant or workers of the Spirit. YAHWEH'S workings of the Covenant with men and the earthly work of YAHWEH'S servants are equally to be in the power of the SetApart Spirit. The work of the New Covenant has its honour and fruit in this, that it is all to be a demonstration of the Spirit and of power. What a contrast this is to the Old Covenant. Moshe had indeed received the honour of YAHWEH shining upon him, but had to put a veil on his face. Yisrael was unable to look on it. In hearing and reading Moshe, there was and is still a veil on their hearts.  QorintYah Bet  3:12-18. From Moshe they could receive knowledge, thoughts, and desires, but the power of YAHWEH'S Spirit (which enables one to see the honour of YAHWEH and understand what YAHWEH says) was not yet given. This is the exceeding honour of the New Covenant, that it is a working of the Spirit; that its workers have their confidence from YAHWEH, who makes them workers of the Spirit, and makes them able to speak the Word of YAHWEH through the Spirit, who writes them on the heart. Those who hear, become living letters of the MESSIYAH, showing the Law written on their heart and life. The work of the Spirit! What honour there is in it! What responsibility it brings! What a privilege; to be a worker of the Spirit! There are thousands throughout Christendom, who are called ministers of the gospel, and what an inconceivable influence they exert for life or death over the millions who depend upon them for their knowledge and teaching of the Christian life. What a power there would be if all these were workers of the Spirit! Let us study the Word, until we see what YAHWEH means the work to be, and learn to take our part in praying and working so that it is nothing less then what YAHWEH calls for.

YAHWEH Has Made All Believers Workers Of The Spirit

The first thing to understand is that a worker of the new Covenant must be a person fully controlled by the SetApart Spirit. There is a twofold work of the Spirit; One in working out a SetApart from all evil disposition and character in all believers, the other in qualifying and empowering a believer for work. The first one always is worked out first. The promise of YAHSHUA to HIS students, that they would receive the SetApart Spirit for the work they would do for HIM, was definitely given to those who had followed and loved HIM and kept HIS Commandments. It is by no means enough that a believer only be born from above by the Spirit. Yochanan (John) 3:3-21. If they are to be an effective worker of the New Covenant, they must know what it means to be led by the Spirit and be able to say: "The Law of the Spirit of life in the MESSIYAH YAHSHUA has made me free from the Law of Law breaking and death." RomiYah-(Romans) 8:1-17. Would someone who wishes to learn Greek or Hebrew pick a teacher who hardly knows the elements of these languages? How then can a believer be a worker of the New Covenant, which is a "working of the Spirit" (QorintYah Bet- 3:1-18), a working of YAHWEH'S power, unless they know by experience what it is to live in the Spirit? The worker must, before everything else, be living proof, a witness of the truth and power of YAHWEH in the fulfillment of what the New Covenant promises. Workers are to be chosen people, the best examples of what the SetApart Spirit can do in setting a believer apart from all evil and by the working of YAHWEH'S power in them, to fit them for YAHWEH'S service. YAHWEH has made us workers of the Spirit.

Next to being controlled by the Spirit comes their work, which can only be done in the power of the Spirit. YAHSHUA sends them to do HIS work, to be the instruments in HIS hands, by which YAHSHUA actually works. HE clothes them with YAHWEH'S power. They are called "to go and make students of all the nations" and "teach them to obey all that I have commanded you." MattitYahu- (Matthew) 28:19,20. As far as feelings are concerned, they may have to say as Shaul said:" I was with you in weakness, fear and much trembling." QorintYah- Alef-(1 Corinthians) 2: 1-5.This only adds to the witness: "My message was not in words of wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and power." If any believer is to be a worker of the New Covenant, a messenger and teacher of its true blessings, to lead YAHWEH'S children to live in it, nothing less will do except a full experience of its power in themselves, as the Spirit does the work!

Whether in their feeding on YAHWEH'S Word or seeking in it for a message from YAHWEH for another, whether in secret or intercessory prayer, whether in private fellowship with believers or public teaching they must wait to receive the power of the SetApart Spirit, as the mighty power of YAHWEH working in them. This is what is needed for the work. They also will need, everyday; to ask for and receive the anointing, the inbreathing from YAHSHUA of HIS Spirit and life. YAHWEH has made us workers of the Spirit!

Workers Of The Sprit Live In Continual Personal Relationship With ABBA YAHWEH

There is something more, which is very important. The worker of the Spirit must especially see to it that they lead everyone to the SetApart Spirit. Many will say; If you are being led by the Spirit in teaching believers, is not that enough? By no means! Believers will become dependent on the worker, and will have YAHWEH'S Word second-hand, and while there is power and blessing in their work, the results will not always be spiritual or permanent in those who hear. Why is this? The reason is simple, the New Covenant promise is: "they will no longer; every man teach his brother Know Yahweh, because they will all know ME, from the least even to the greatest." Ivrim (Hebrews) 8:11. The ABBA wants every child, from the least up, to live in continual personal relationship with the ABBA. This cannot happen, except they are taught and helped to know and wait on YAHWEH'S Spirit! Scriptures study, prayer; belief and trust, love, obedience, and the whole daily walk must be taught as entirely dependent on the teaching and working of the indwelling Spirit. The workers of the Spirit very definitely and strongly point away from themselves to the Spirit. This is what Yochanan the immerser did. He was filled with the SetApart Spirit from birth, yet sent people away from himself to YAHSHUA, so they could be immersed with the Spirit. YAHSHUA did the same thing, in HIS farewell discourse, YAHSHUA called HIS students to turn from HIS personally teaching them, to the inward teaching of the SetApart Spirit, who would dwell in them and guide them into all truth and power. This is a real need in the "churches" of today; all of its weakness, formalities, worldliness, lack of being separate from evil and Law breaking, its lack of personal devotion to YAHSHUA, and enthusiasm for HIS cause and kingdom, is owing to one thing; The SetApart Spirit is not known, honoured, and yielded to as the only all sufficient source of a life SetApart to YAHWEH. The New Covenant is not known as a working of the Spirit in the heart of every believer. The one thing needed for the Assembly is, the SetApart Spirit in power dwelling and ruling in the lives of YAHWEH'S people. The only way this will come about, is by the workers of the Spirit, themselves living in the power and enjoyment of these great gifts, persistently working to bring their brothers ad sisters into the possession of their birthright, the Spirit in their hearts, and maintaining in YAHWEH'S power, unceasing communion with the Son and the ABBA. The working of the Spirit makes the work of the Spirit possible and effectual. And the work of the Spirit again makes the working of the Spirit an actual experimental reality in the life of the Assembly. Let none of us think that all the New Covenant calls us to is to see that we personally accept and rejoice in its promises. No indeed, YAHWEH wants everyone who believes to know that its promises are for all YAHWEH'S children, and to give themselves to make this known. There is no more effectual way of doing this than taking thought for the work of the Assembly. Compare the  work in the Assembly you attend and check it with the pattern in YAHWEH'S Word. QorintYah Alef-(1 Corinthians) 2, QorintYah Bet-(2 Corinthians) 3.

Join with others who know how the New Covenant is the working of the Spirit and cry out to YAHWEH to work in the Spirit. Ask YAHWEH through the Spirit to teach you what can be done, what you can do, to have the work of the Spirit in Your Assembly, so it will truly become a Spirit filled Assembly of YAHSHUA. Human condemnation will do as little good as human approval. It is as the supreme place of the Separate Spirit, as the representative and revealer of the ABBA and Son, is made clear to us, that the one desire of our heart and our continual prayer will be, that YAHWEH would make known to all the workers of YAHWEH'S Word their heavenly calling, that they would seek above everything this one thing, to be confident workers of the New Covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit! HalleluYah!

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