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The New Covenant:  Workings of the Spirit Through The Son YAHSHUA

YAHWEH anointed YAHSHUA of Nazareth with the SetApart (Holy) Spirit and with power

“You are a letter of YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH  attended by us, having been inscribed not by ink, but by the Spirit of YAHWEH the living ALL-Mighty One, not on stone tablets, but on the tablets of our fleshly hearts. Such confidence we have through the MESSIYAH towards YAHWEH. Not that we are confident from ourselves, accounting anything as to ourselves, but our confidence is in YAHWEH, who also made us competent attendants of a New Covenant, not of letter, but of the Spirit, because the letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive. Now if the  work of death in letters having been engraved in stone, which was done in honour so that the sons of Yisrael were not able to look at the face of Moshe on account of the honour from his face, is being done away with how can the work of the Spirit not be in honour? Because if the work of condemnation was in honour, by much more exceeds the work of righteousness in honour.” QorintYah Bet- (2 Corinthians) 3:310.

In this wonderful chapter Shaul reminds the Corinthians, in speaking of his work among them, what its main characteristics were. As a servant of the New Covenant he contrasts it and the whole system of revealed order with that of the Old Covenant. The Old was engraved in stone, the New in the heart. The Old written ink and the letter that kills, the New, of the Spirit that makes alive. The Old was a working of condemnation and death, the New, of righteousness and blessings, but it was an honour that passed away. Its honour was surpassed by the new honour because it remains forever. With the Old there was a veil covering the face and the heart, in the New the veil is taken away from the face and the heart, the Spirit of YAHWEH gives freedom and reflects, with an unveiled heart, the honour of YAHWEH. We are changed from honour to honour into the image of YAHSHUA, by the Spirit of YAHWEH. The honour that surpasses, proved its power in this that not only did it put in the system of order of YAHWEH, but exerted its power in the heart and life of its subjects, it was seen in them as they were changed by the Spirit into the images of the MESSIYAH from honour to honour.

Let us think for a moment on the contrast, the Old Covenant was of the letter that kills. The Law, with its literal instructions, sought by the knowledge it gave of YAHWEH'S will, to appeal to man’s fear, love, natural powers of the mind, conscience, and will, to speak to him as if he could obey, so that it could convince him of what he did not know; that he could not obey. And in doing so, fulfilled its mission: “The commandment which was unto life, this I found to bring death.” In the New Covenant on the contrary, everything was different, instead of the letter, the Spirit gives life that breathes the very life of YAHWEH into us. Instead of a Law engraved in stone, the Law is written on the heart, which works into the heart affection and power, making the Law one with them. Instead of the vain attempt to work from without inward, the Spirit and the Law are put into the inner being, then to work outward in life and walk.

YAHWEH Sent Forth The Spirit Of HIS Son YAHSHUA Into Our Inner Beings Crying: ABBA, (FATHER)

This passage brings into view that which is the distinctive blessing of the New Covenant. In working out our deliverance, YAHWEH placed upon us two wonderful gifts, we read: “YAHWEH sent forth YAHWEH'S Son, born of a woman, born under Law, in order that HE would pay the price for those under the Law, so that we could receive the adoption of sons. Because you are sons, YAHWEH sent forth the Spirit of YAHWEH'S Son YAHSHUA into our inner beings crying: ABBA, (FATHER).” GalutYah- (Galatians) 4:5,6. Here we have the two parts of YAHWEH'S work in deliverance. The more objective one, what YAHWEH did so that we could become YAHWEH'S children; YAHWEH sent forth YAHWEH'S Son. The second, the more subjective; what YAHWEH did so that we could live as YAHWEH'S children: YAHWEH sent forth the Spirit of YAHWEH'S Son into our hearts. In the former, we have the external manifestation of the work of redemption, in the other, its inward workings. The former for the sake of the other, these two form one great whole and cannot be separated.

In the promise of the New Covenant, as we find them in YermeYah and Yehezqel (Ezekiel), as well as in many other passages of Scripture, it is made known that YAHWEH'S great object in deliverance is to get possession of the heart. The heart is the real life, with the heart a man loves, wills and acts, the heart makes the man. YAHWEH made man’s heart for YAHWEH to dwell in, so that in it YAHWEH could reveal YAHWEH'S love and honour. YAHWEH sent YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH to accomplish a redemption by which man’s heart could be won back to YAHWEH, nothing but this will satisfy YAHWEH. And this is what is accomplished when the SetApart Spirit makes the heart of YAHWEH'S child what it should be. The whole work of the MESSIYAH'S redemption—atonement and victory, HIS resurrection and mediation between YAHWEH and man, and HIS honour at the right side of YAHWEH—all these are only to prepare us for what was the main triumph of YAHWEH'S unmerited favor, the renewal of the heart to be the tabernacle of YAHWEH. Through YAHSHUA, YAHWEH gives the SetApart Spirit to honour YAHWEH in our hearts by working in it all that YAHSHUA has done and is doing in our inner beings!

In a great deal of our religious teaching, the fear that we might take away from the honour of the MESSIYAH has been given as the reason for giving HIS work for us on the stake, and in the heavens, greater importance than HIS work in our heart by the SetApart Spirit. The result has been that the indwelling of the SetApart Spirit and the Spirit’s mighty work as the life of the heart is very little known in its true power. If we look carefully at what the New Covenant promises mean, we will see how the “Sending forth of the Spirit of YAHWEH'S Son YAHSHUA into our hearts” is indeed the finished work and crown of the MESSIYAH'S work. Let us just think of what these promises imply.

In the Old Covenant, man had failed in what he had to do. In the New, YAHWEH is doing everything in him. The Old could only convict of Law breaking, the New is to put it away and clean the heart from all its evil. In the Old, it was the heart that was wrong, in the New, a new heart is provided into which YAHWEH puts the fear of YAHWEH and YAHWEH'S Law and love. The Old demanded, but failed to secure obedience, in the New, YAHWEH causes us to walk in YAHWEH'S Law. The New Covenant is to fit man for true separation from evil, a true fulfillment of the Law of loving YAHWEH with the whole heart, and our neighbors as ourselves, a walk truly well-pleasing to YAHWEH. The New changes a man from honour to honour after the image of YAHSHUA. All because the Spirit of YAHWEH'S Son YAHSHUA is given into the heart!

The Old gave no power, in the New all is by the Spirit, the mighty power of YAHWEH. As complete as the rule and power of the MESSIYAH  on the seat of authority of the heart, by HIS SetApart Spirit given to us.

Workings Of YAHWEH'S Spirit Consists In This: That YAHWEH Can Fill Our Hearts With YAHWEH'S Love And YAHWEH Can Dwell In Us!

It is when all these distinguishing qualities of the New Covenant life come together into one focus and we look at the heart of YAHWEH'S child as the object of this mighty redemption, that we will begin to understand what is secured to us and what it is that we are to expect from our Covenant Mighty One. We will see the honour of the workings of YAHWEH'S Spirit consists in this: that YAHWEH can fill our hearts with YAHWEH'S love and YAHWEH can dwell in us!

We are accustomed to saying, and truly so, that the worth of the Son of YAHWEH who came to die for us, is the measure of the worth of the inner being in YAHWEH'S sight, and of the greatness of the work that had to be done to deliver it. Let us also see that the honour of the SetApart Spirit, the Spirit of the ABBA and the Son, is the measure of YAHWEH'S longing to have our heart wholly for YAHWEH. Let us also see the pure honour of the work that is to be worked out within us, and the power by which that work will be accomplished.

We will see how the honour of the workings of  YAHWEH'S Spirit is no other than the honour of YAHSHUA, as it is not only in the heavens, but resting upon us and dwelling in us, and changing us into the same image, from honour to honour.  The inconceivable honour of our risen YAHSHUA MESSIYAH in the heavens, has its counterpart here on earth in the exceeding honour of the SetApart Spirit, who honours YAHSHUA'S in us, who lays YAHSHUA'S honour on us as the Spirit changes us into YAHSHUA likeness.

The New Covenant Has No Power To Deliver Or Bless Except Through The Workings Of The Spirit

The Spirit works in lesser or greater degrees depending on if the Spirit is neglected or grieved, or yielded to and trusted. Let us honour the Spirit and give the Spirit the rightful place as the New Covenant proclaims, by expecting and accepting all the Spirit waits to do for us.

The SetApart Spirit is the great gifts of the Covenant. The Spirit coming from the heavens was proof that the Mediator of the Covenant was on the seat of authority in honour, and could now make us partakers of the heavenly life!

The Spirit is the only teacher of what the Covenant means: dwelling in our hearts the Spirit awakens the thought and the desire for what YAHWEH has prepared for us.

The Spirit enables us to believe the otherwise incomprehensible blessings and power in which the New Covenant works, so that we can claim it as our own.

The Spirit is full of unmerited favor and power, by whom the obedience of the Covenant, and fellowship with YAHWEH can be maintained without interruption.

The SetApart Spirit is the possessor, bearer, and the communicator of all the Covenant promises. The revealer and honourer of YAHSHUA the Mediator and guarantor!

To believe fully in the SetApart Spirit as the present and abiding and all-comprehending gift of the New Covenant, has been to many the one entrance into its full blessings.

Begin at once, child of YAHWEH, to give the Spirit the place in your "religion" that the Spirit has in YAHWEH'S plan. Be still before YAHWEH and believe that the Spirit is within you, and ask the ABBA to work through the Spirit in you. Regard yourself, your spirit as well as your body with pureness and respect as YAHWEH'S Tabernacle. Let the consciousness of the Spirit’s SetApart presence and working fill you with reverent calm and fear. Be sure that all that YAHWEH calls you to be, YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH through HIS Spirit will work in you!  So Be It! Praise YAHWEH!!

1. There is a true pure religion (religious) of YAHWEH as mentioned in the New Covenant. Yet we do not want this word to be misconstrued to mean the worldly "religion" that is defiled by man today.

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