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YAHSHUA, Mediator of the New Covenant

 YAHSHUA is Mediator of the Covenant because the New Covenant
was established in HIS atoning blood

"The Mediator of a better Covenant, established  promises, ''The Mediator of the New Covenant,'' ''You have come to YAHSHUA, the Mediator of the New Covenant.'' Ivrim (Hebrews) 8:6, 9:15, & 12:24.

"I; YAHWEH  have called you in righteousness, and will take you  by MY hand, I will keep you and give you for a Covenant to the people, for a light to the nations." YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 42:6

"YAHWEH, whom you are seeking, will suddenly come to YAHWEH'S tabernacle, even  the messenger of the Covenant whom you delight in." (Malachi) 3:1

"This makes YAHSHUA the guarantor of a better Covenant," Ivrim 7:22   

 We have here four titles given to our Master YAHSHUA in connection with the New Covenant. YAHSHUA is called a Covenant. The union between YAHWEH and a person, which the Covenant  brings, was worked out in YAHSHUA personally; in HIM the restored relationship between YAHWEH  and a person was perfectly brought  into being; in YAHSHUA, YAHWEH'S called out find the Covenant with all its blessings; YAHSHUA is all that YAHWEH  has to give, and is the assurance that it is given. YAHSHUA is called the messenger of the Covenant  because HE came to establish and proclaim it. YAHSHUA is the guarantor of the Covenant not only because HE paid our debt, but HE is our guarantor from YAHWEH, that through YAHSHUA, YAHWEH will fulfill YAHWEH'S part of the Covenant, and in YAHSHUA we will  fulfill our part. YAHSHUA is Mediator of the Covenant because the Covenant was established in HIS atoning blood, and it will be administered and applied by YAHSHUA. It can only be entered upon through belief and trust in HIM, so it is known only through the  power of HIS resurrection life and HIS never-ceasing intercession for us. All these names point to one truth, that in the New Covenant, YAHSHUA is all in  all! 

Belief And Trust In YAHSHUA As The Mediator Of The New  Covenant

The subject is so large that it would be impossible to go over all the many aspects of these precious truths. MESSIYAH YAHSHUA'S work in atonement and intercession, in HIS great gift of pardon and the SetApart Spirit, in HIS daily communication of unmerited favor and power, are truths which lie at the very foundation of the belief and trust of all believers. We need not speak of them here. What really needs to be made clear to many is how, by belief and trust in YAHSHUA as the Mediator of the New Covenant, we actually  have access to, and enter into, the enjoyment of all the Covenants promised blessings. We have already seen in studying  the New Covenant, how  all these blessings come together in one thing that the heart of a person is to be put right, as the only possible way of their living in YAHWEH'S favor; and YAHWEH'S  love finding its satisfaction in them. That a person  is to receive a heart to fear YAHWEH  to love YAHWEH with all their strength, to obey YAHWEH and  keep all YAHWEH'S Law. All  that YAHSHUA did and now does has this for its aim, all the higher blessings of peace and fellowship flow  out from this. In this YAHWEH'S  delivering  power  and love finds the highest proof in triumph  over Law breaking. Nothing so reveals the unmerited favor of YAHWEH the power of YAHSHUA the MESSIYAH, the reality of deliverance, and the joy of the New Covenant, as in the heart of a believer (where Law  breaking once ruled) with YAHWEH'S unmerited favor now growing within it.

I do now know how  I can better layout the honour of our Master YAHSHUA as HE accomplishes this, the real object of HIS redeeming work, and as HE takes entire possession of our hearts that HE bought, won,  and cleansed as a dwelling  place for HIS ABBA, than by pointing out the place YAHSHUA takes, and the work  HE does, in the case of a believer who is being led out of the Old Covenant bondage with its  failure, into the real experience of the promise and power  of the New Covenant. In this study of the work  of the Mediator in an individual, we may get a truer understanding of the real honour and greatness of the work YAHSHUA actually accomplishes, than when we  only think of the work HE has done for all. It is in the application of the redemption here in life on earth, where Law  breaking is plentiful everywhere, that its power  is seen. Let us look at how the entrance into the New Covenant blessing is attained.

The first step towards it, in one who  has been truly converted and assured of their acceptance with YAHWEH, is the sense of Law breaking. The believer sees that the New  Covenant promises have not come true in their experience. There is not only indwelling Law breaking (sin), but they find  that they get angry, are self-willed, are worldly, and do other known violations of YAHWEH'S Law. The obedience to which YAHWEH calls and will  give to a person, the life of remaining in YAHSHUA'S love which is their privilege, the power for a pure from evil walk, being well-pleasing before YAHWEH--in all these things their conscience condemns them. It is in this conviction of Law breaking that any desire or thought of the full New Covenant  blessings must have its birth. Where the thought that obedience is an impossibility, and that nothing but a life of failure and self-condemnation is to be looked forward to, and has worked in them a secret despair of deliverance, or contentment with their present state, it is useless to speak of YAHWEH'S promises or power. The heart will not respond, it knows well enough, it is sure, that the freedom spoken of is but a dream. But  where there is dissatisfaction with our present state, which works out a longing for something better, the heart is open to receive the message.

New Covenant Is Meant To Be The Deliverance From The Power Of Law Breaking

The New Covenant is meant to be the deliverance from the power of Law breaking, a real longing for this is the required preparation for entering fully into the New Covenant. Now comes the second step. As the mind is directed to the literal meaning of the terms of the New Covenant, to its promises of washing  away all Law breaking in us, and a heart filled with the fear of YAHWEH and YAHWEH'S Law; and a power to keep YAHWEH'S commands and never to depart from YAHWEH: as the inner eye is fixed on YAHSHUA the guarantor of the Covenant, who  will HIMSELF make it all true; as the voice is heard of the ones who proclaim how after years of bondage, that all this has been fulfilled to them-the longing begins to grow  into a hope, and the question is made as to what  is needed to enter this blessed life.

Then follows  another step. The heart-searching question comes, whether we are willing  to give up every evil habit, all of our own self-will, all that is of the spirit of the world, and surrender ourselves to be wholly and exclusively YAHSHUA'S. YAHWEH cannot take complete possession of a man and bless him mightily, and work in him  powerfully, until YAHWEH has him completely, yes totally, as YAHWEH'S. Happy are they who are ready for any offering.

Know YAHSHUA As The Mediator Of The New Covenant

Now comes  the last step, the simplest, and yet often the most difficult step. Here, we  need to Know YAHSHUA as the Mediator of the New Covenant. As we hear of the life SetApart from all evil, obedience and victory over Law breaking, which  are the New Covenant promises, and hear that it will be to us according to our belief and trust, so that if we stand on it in belief and trust it, will truly be ours, the heart often fails because of fear!  I am willing, but have I the power to make, and also the power  to maintain this full surrender? Do I have enough power, the strong belief and  trust, so l can  get hold of this  offered blessing, so that it will  indeed be and continue to be mine? How  such questions perplex the inner being until it finds the answer to them in one word: YAHSHUA!  It is YAHSHUA who will  give the power to make the surrender and to believe trust. This is as surely and as exclusively YAHSHUA'S work as atonement and intercession are HIS alone. As sure as it was YAHSHUA'S work to overcome and  ascend to the seat of  authority in the heaven's, it is YAHSHUA'S power to prove HIS rule in the  individual believer. It is YAHSHUA, the living one, who is in YAHWEH'S power working and maintaining the life of  communion and victory in us. YAHSHUA is the Mediator and  guarantor of the Covenant, HE, the YAHWEH-man, who has undertaken not only for all that YAHWEH requires, but for all that we need also.

When this is seen, the believer learns that here just as at conversion, it is all belief and trust! The one thing  needed now is; with the eye definitely fixed on some promise of the New Covenant, to turn from self and anything it could or need do, to let go of self and fall into the arms of YAHSHUA. YAHSHUA is the Mediator of the New Covenant, it is YAHSHUA who will lead us into it. In the assurance that YAHSHUA, and every New Covenant blessing is already ours, in virtue of our being YAHWEH'S children; with the desire now to receive and enjoy what we  have before allowed to lie unused; in the belief and trust that YAHSHUA now gives us the needed strength by trust and belief to accept and receive our heritage as a present possession. We now boldly can take the  heavenly gift, a life in the MESSIYAH according to the better promises. By belief and trust in YAHSHUA you have seen and received HIM to yourself, in full truth, the Mediator of the New Covenant, both in heaven and in your heart. YAHSHUA is the Mediator who makes the covenant experience real between YAHWEH and you.

It is with  the heart alone that YAHSHUA can be truly known or honoured. It is in the heart the work  of unmerited favor is to be done, and the saving  power of the MESSIYAH to be displayed. It is in the heart alone that YAHWEH'S Spirit works, to work in you YAHSHUA'S likeness, it is there that the Spirit honours YAHSHUA  in you. The Spirit of YAHWEH honours YAHSHUA by revealing the MESSIYAH'S saving power in  us.

If we  were to speak of what we are to do in cleansing our heart and keeping it right; fear would  be  well-grounded. But the New Covenant calls for us to do just the opposite. What it tells us of the Atonement, and  the Righteousness of YAHWEH has been won for us, it will be our only honour even in  the heavens: MESSIYAH'S, work of pureness (separation from evil) here in our heart, can only deepen the conscience of that Righteousness  as our only  plea. The cleansing work of the Spirit, as the fulfillment of New Covenant promises, is all a taking of the things of YAHSHUA and revealing and giving them to us. The deeper our  entrance into and our possession of the New Covenant gift of a new heart, the fuller will be our understanding and love of YAHSHUA who  is its Mediator; and the more we will honour HIM. The Covenant deals with the heart, that MESSIYAH may be found there, may dwell there by belief and trust. As we  look at the heart, not in the light of feeling or experience, but in the light of belief and trust in YAHWEH'S Covenant; we will learn to think and speak of it as YAHWEH does, and begin to know that YAHSHUA manifests HIMSELF there, and that there, in the heart, the MESSIYAH YAHSHUA and the ABBA come to make their home. 
YAHSHUA is waiting to accept your surrender!

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