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Who Was Yitschaq?

The same question was asked about Abraham and the inquiry proved long and fairly complicated.

Yitschaq An Historical Character
'Crushed' Between His Father Abraham And His Son Yacob

In history it is by no means an advantage to be both the son of a man who has carried out a great plan and the father of a man of action. Yitschaq, the son of the brilliant Abraham and father of the dynamic Yacob appears to be crushed between these two sharply outstanding personalities. Although Abraham and Yacob were two very different characters they both set themselves energetically to carry out the plan which, in its principal features, YAHWEH had revealed to them. These two patriarchs, both of them stout of heart and using methods in accordance with their own characters, threw themselves boldly into the struggle. No doubt there were occasional failures but the struggle was hard, long and heroic, nonetheless.

Yitschaq stands out far less clearly. According to the information furnished by the Scriptures he seems to have led a peaceful life as a nomad chieftain. He had no great anxieties and no difficult problems to solve. It is a rapid, almost offhand sketch with which the scribe has provided us; Yitschaq cannot be classed among those strong personalities who contrived to give a fresh impetus to events and to their own period.

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