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Ishmael And Mohammed

The Scriptures hardly mentions Ishmael again, but the Koran dwellers, were engulfed in the most barbarous practices returns to the question and makes it a polemical one.

In the seventh century A.D., Mohammed, the caravaneer, the propagator of Islam, proclaiming himself to be the prophet of Allah, began to preach. At that period the inhabitants of Arabia, whether nomads or city dwellers were engulfed in the most barbarous practices of polydemonism.

The monotheism of Islam is a theological notion taken from the Scriptures by Mohammed who, on his travels, had obtained knowledge of some passages from it. Relying on a few verses of Bereshith, which mention Ishmael, Mohammed adopted fairly and squarely the explanation furnished by the Old Covenant. In his view Ishmael was the ancestor of the Arabs, Ishmael was the eldest son of Abraham and his heir. In legal fashion then, and appealing to the law of the desert, Mohammed claimed for the men of his race the material and spiritual inheritance of Abraham.

War declared between sons of Yitschaq and those of Ishmael

From this moment, war was declared between the sons of Yitschaq and those of Ishmael. Before Mohammed's time Jews and Arabs can scarcely be said to have been fond of each other. After the appearance of the Koran there was open hostility. The 'Arab question' came to the fore, particularly on the frontiers of the modern State of Yisrael.

At Abraham's funeral the patriarch's two sons, Ishmael and Yitschaq met for the last time. It appeared necessary to make this digression in order to explain by means of the ancient texts a situation which is still tense at the present day.

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