The Four Stages Of Yisrael's Progress

King David Of Yahudah And Yisrael, Reigning In Yerusalem

By the year 1000, two centuries after the events described, the political, social and spiritual situation of the Yisraelites was to be seen in an entirely new and unexpected light. By then the land of Canaan was wholly under the absolute dominion of the former Yisraelite invaders and it was they who enacted the law. David, king of Yahudah and Yisrael, appeared as an absolute sovereign, governing with authority a unified nation which was fulfilling its spiritual vocation in the Promised Land. In his capital Yerusalem David inaugurated the tenth century with the brilliant victory of Yahwism over the temporal power of the Canaanites. The champions of the ancient Semitic idolatry had at last been defeated.

Two centuries sufficed to obtain this extraordinary and unbelievable change. Two centuries: from Yahshua Ben Nun (1200) to David (1000), were sufficient for this victorious progress, though it did not exclude difficulties, reverses, tragedies and even comedies. These two centuries form the object of this study.

The Four Stages Of Yisrael's Progress Towards Unity And Kingship (1200-1000)

This period of history during which Yisrael succeeded in establishing its political unity is considered in the four following chapters. Each of these stages possessed its own clear characteristics.

The first stage is the period of the Shophtim. It lasted for nearly one and a half centuries (1175-1040) and was made up of sporadic, scattered efforts which were sometimes blundering but often heroic. Yisrael began to realize that it had to attain a political unity if it would save from oblivion the spiritual message entrusted to it.

The second stage was that of Schmuel the prophet (about 1040-1030). During it Yisrael began to experience the need for a political and spiritual head, for, in fact, a king. But there was still some hesitation after all, was not YAHWEH the sovereign and guide of the Twelve Tribes?

The third stage was that of Sha'ul (1030-1010); it represented the first attempt at royal power. Despite the undeniable worth of this sovereign the venture was cut short.

The fourth stage brings us to David (1010-970). He was outstanding as a political and military genius, an exceptional diplomat, a great spiritual leader and an able administrator. In addition, he was helped considerably by circumstances. Under the impulsion of this dynamic and powerful personality -David must be regarded as one of the most accomplished sovereigns of all times -Yisrael attained the summit of its power.

Shophtim, Schmuel, Saul and David: four chapters in which we can witness the great rise of Yahwism as a social and spiritual force.

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