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The Tower Strength of Babylon
 (Part 2)

The Tower Strength of Babylon will be brought down
 as YAHWEH raises up a righteous king

Contents of Sermon Message:

YAHWEH The Most High

The nations of the world have turned a deaf ear to the Torah of YHWH. HE is the Most High and is from everlasting to everlasting. HIS Torah is the truth. This is a generation that has turned a deaf ear unto the simplicity of the Mitzvah of Almighty YHWH. When a nation begins to turn themselves away from that they are always seeking one to replace YHWH. 

The Power Of Democracy And Capitalism

Capitalism plays on the greed of a people that are filled with lasciviousness. Capitalism and democracy are ruling powers that have captivated the whole world. All the nations of the world want democracy and capitalism over the Laws of YHWH. These powers are the same as Gad and Meni. (Isaiah 65:11) In this nation today everyone is taking a chance to obtain riches. No one trusts YHWH to supply their needs.


YHWH instructed Joshua of the things he had to do to purge the land of worship of Baal. (Joshua 11:17) Baalgad was a city of greed that was known for it's covetousness. Joshua smote all the kings of this area because they represented the powers that be. If the Torah of YHWH is not leading you then you are susceptible to all the gods of voodoo. YHWH leads us unto HIS bosom but the gods of voodoo lead us away from HIM. There are no other gods that turn the minds of man away from YHWH like the gods of capitalism and democracy. The word democracy means that the people rule. It is not YHWH that rules. Anytime the children of Yisrael began to rule they were caught up in a fleshly worship.

Opening Of The Gates To The Gods

Manasseh was abominable before YHWH because of the altars he had built unto Baal. He replaced the true worship of YHWH with the false worship of Baal. (2 Kings 21:2-7) Babylon was a luscious place. Today, there is no nation like America. Everyone wanted to go to Babylon then and everyone wants to come to America now. This nations commands people to come with their idols. She opens her gates to the gods. After the destruction of the towers there has been more wickedness in this nation than ever before because the gates to the gods have been opened. All kinds of religious leaders came to the Cathedral in Washington DC. Every god was represented as they began to pray. This spirit in this nation causes you to make your children pass through the fire of the gods. The children burn with their lusts that cannot be satisfied. This power of democracy causes this illusion that one can obtain the riches of the world. Only if we keep the commandments of YHWH will HE establish our feet. We don't have this assurance today because the power of capitalism causes us to be full of lusts that cannot be satisfied.

And They Listened Not

The Yisraelites did not listen to the commandments of YHWH but were seduced by Manasseh and did worse than the kingdoms YHWH had already destroyed. YHWH brought evil unto Yisrael for this wickedness that Scripture said would cause even the ears to tingle upon hearing of it. (2 Kings 21:9,10) In this nation of America the news of the two towers being brought down caused the whole world to be amazed. Today, President Bush is causing the sons and daughters of America to pass through the fire in Iraq in the same way that Manasseh caused the them to pass through the fire. 

YHWH Will Forsake A Wicked People

YHWH will forsake HIS remnant because they have done so wickedly in HIS sight and would not turn from their ways. He made the people to sin and shed much innocent blood. There is no conscientiousness to their evil. (2 Kings 9-16) YHWH does not want HIS children to be apart of this democracy and capitalism. HE does not want us to offer drink sacrifices to Meni. It is YHWH that gives us power to be wealthy in the strength of HIS power. This capitalism requires the very soul of man. He has no power or ability left to worship YHWH. It destroys a man's love for his wife and children.

YHWH Raises Up A Righteous King

YHWH raised up Josiah who sought the ways of YHWH early in his life. Josiah began to purge Yisrael of all the idols and images. He utterly destroyed all the groves and altars of the wicked gods. (2 Chronicles 34:3) YHWH must raise up one that will stand in the power and spirit of YHWH.

Nuggets: This power of democracy causes the illusion that one can obtain the riches of the world. Only if we keep the commandments of YHWH will HE establish our feet.

Please take time to read and listen to these messages on Babylon America

Table Of YAHWEH And The Table Of Esau  Rich Men and America    Downfall and Wickedness Of America   The Fenced Cities Of World Full of Wickedness   The Beginning Of Sorrows Upon The City Babylon   Come Out Of Her My People   Sorrows And Evil In America The Babylon Of Today   The Merchants Of The Earth Are Waxed Rich   Come Out Judgment Of The Great Whore Babylon   The Seed Inside The Mind Set of Babylon   The Babylonian Garment or Righteous Garment Of YAHWEH   Tower Strength Of Babylon Part 1  Tower Strength Of Babylon Part2  Tower Strength Of Babylon Part3   Tower Strength of Babylon Part5   Tower Strength Of Babylon Part6     

2006 Messages


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