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The Tower Strength of Babylon
(Part 1) 

The tower strength of Babylon manifest in the wickedness of this present world

Contents of Sermon Message:

The Wickedness Of This Present World

Without the character of YHWH we are a dimming light. We are a wayward, backward people without any power to do the things HE commands. YHWH sent YAHSHUA to be a light in this darkness. There are such atrocities taking place in the world today. Parents killing their children and the young generation is controlled by drugs. There is no stability or strength at all outside of YHWH. This democracy of America does not mean a freedom of religion but it is a people telling YHWH that they alone will rule. It is a system that enslaves a people in the bondage of lusts for things. There is no family structure because husbands and wives are both working jobs and there is no time for the children. There is not time for YHWH. Eighty to ninety percent of the marriages in America end in divorce.

The Prophet Tsphanyahuw

In the midst of all the wickedness YHWH raised the voice of prophets and caused the heart of man to speak the things that have a sure testimony. This same voice speaks today to the children of YHWH. The name Tsphanyahuw (Zephaniah) means "YHWH hides". (Strong's 6846)  In the midst of this dark generation we must be hidden in HIM. You will not be hidden from the powers that be that destroy even the ability to think unless you are hidden in YHWH. Tsphanyahuw spoke to the house of Yisrael to warn them. We must be warned today by men that will speak the words of YHWH without fear of the people. The voice of Tsphanyahuw speaks even today to the people of YHWH. Theologians today say that the book of Tsphanyahuw is a book full of the consuming fire of YHWH. No other book expresses unto a people with such profound impact.

The Tower

Nimrod was a revolter against YHWH. When you find yourself revolting against YHWH you are full of the Nimrod spirit. You are seeking to build your own tower that instructs and gives you guidance. This is a generation where everyone has their own tower. There is much confusion today, as well. YHWH brought confusion on Babylon when they sought to build their tower. There is a connection in the Babylon of the Scripture and this great Babylon America today. We saw the towers brought down in America on September 11, 2001. This brought all nations together speaking the same vile rhetoric. In the midst of this HE caused a great confusion. There was no oneness. We see the metaphors in the beginning and they help us to understand things today.


Not only is Babylon a seat of confusion it also means "the gates to the gods." Every kind of deity worship rose from the ruins of Babel. Every kind of sadistic power there is rose from the confusion of Babel. YHWH does not confuse Yisrael but the spirit of Babel confuses them. This spirit opens the gates to the gods. There is no nation that opens the gates to the gods like America. People come from every nation to worship their gods in America. This nation is a nation where you can find every kind of vile religious practice. The very constitution of this nation of America opens your heart to the worship of all the gods of the world. Unless the voice of YHWH begins to speak through a prophet we will be caught up in the confusion and god worship of this nation. Even a man who says he is a christian practices all the pagan ways of wickedness. YHWH has a system that is totally run by HIM. It is not this democracy and capitalism of America. Capitalism brings everyone under slavery. It is not the way of YHWH. The powers that be have taken the very truth of YHWH from the people of YHWH. Husbands and wives do not even have the ability to love each other because they are given over to the power of democracy that enslaves them.

The Worship Of Gad and Meni

The wicked do not give credence to YHWH but give their worship unto false gods. (Isaiah 65:11) The people did not trust in YHWH but put their trust in Meni the god of fate. The stock markets are the very empowerment of the god of Gad or the god of fortune. The states of America are overcome with Meni and Gad worship in their lotteries and gambling. The vast conglomerates of the world were controlled in the twin towers. Suddenly they were brought down. Many people cried out to their gods because of this. YHWH'S truth is an everlasting witness and it will not fail. YHWH tells HIS people that they will find no confidence in Gad or Meni. Confidence comes only from YHWH and the only way to receive this confidence is to give yourself over to understanding the ways of YHWH. You must study to show yourself approved. You must allow the spirit of the Word of YHWH to guide you. The just will live by faith and this faith is the only way you will survive today. You cannot be fooled by this voodoo power to obtain riches in America today. It is the riches of YHWH that sustains us and keeps us. The riches of YHWH will never bring about the confusion and bondage that the riches of Gad and Meni bring.

Nuggets: Not only is Babylon a seat of confusion; it also means "the gates to the gods". There is no other nation that opens the gates to the gods like America.

Please take time to read and listen to these messages on Babylon America

Table Of YAHWEH And The Table Of Esau  Rich Men and America    Downfall and Wickedness Of America   The Fenced Cities Of World Full of Wickedness   The Beginning Of Sorrows Upon The City Babylon   Come Out Of Her My People   Sorrows And Evil In America The Babylon Of Today   The Merchants Of The Earth Are Waxed Rich   Come Out Judgment Of The Great Whore Babylon   The Seed Inside The Mind Set of Babylon   The Babylonian Garment or Righteous Garment Of YAHWEH   Tower Strength Of Babylon Part 1  Tower Strength Of Babylon Part2  Tower Strength Of Babylon Part3   Tower Strength of Babylon Part5   Tower Strength Of Babylon Part6     

2006 Messages


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