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Hollywood Bewitched The Minds

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  This is a generation that is bewitched. A Bewitched mindset that has turned away from YAHWEH, truth and Torah. It has no desirer for Torah to govern their lives. Our lives are meant to have order, and everything does has order. What has happen through the powers of darkness through the vileness of Hollywood, and whoredom wood it has deceived the mindset to bewitch man to turn him against YAHWEH.

  We know that the carnal mind is enmity, it hates YAHWEH. The carnal mind is not subjected to the Torah, neither indeed can be. a generation given over to fleshly desires, nothing to do with the coming of MessiYAH.

  One thing Satan has done, he has set up this deceiver in America, and everything that filters through the mind of the people comes from one city of whoredom, and idolater called Hollywood.



2006 Messages


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