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Bewitched Minds The Seeds Of Deception

Shatan Has Bewitched The Minds With His Seed Of Deception

  • A seed of deception that will bewitch your mind.

  • This Generation Is Eating the Bread Of Idleness

  • This Generation Is Eating the Bread Of Idleness

  • The Seed Of Deception Has Been Planted And Many Are Eating From It

  • A Man Purpose In His Lev To Please YAHWEH Or He Will Not Be Able

A seed of deception that will bewitch your mind.

Have your minds been captivated, or charmed by someone, if so, than you have a bewitched mind where Shatan has sown his seed of deception. The seed of deception has seared a bewitched mind. The power of bewitching has YAHWEH nowhere in the thought process. What is bewitched? A mind that has been altered and changed, charmed, and captivated whereby YHWH has been denied. The most prominent mind alterer is a drug. The doctors prescribe and administer the "drugs" by the millions to patients. Drugs are found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it. They are drugs of deception and seduction of idolatry. Pharmakeia (far-mak-i'-ah) is the Greek God of sorcery and witchcraft. The next time you go to the pharmacy to pick up your prescription; remember drugs are a seed of deception that will bewitch your mind.

This Generation Is Eating the Bread Of Idleness

Do you wonder why your homes are being destroyed and your children are out of control? It is what you are feeding them in their spiritual diet. They eat on cartoon characters such as Winnie The Pooh, or Spiderman and the many other animated characters. These characters are inhuman, and make believe. No bear can talk like human beings or no man can turn himself into a spider. YAHWEH made a man a man and that is that. These characters seem cuddly. They have a way to persuade the minds of the children. The minds are altered and swayed by these persuasions. YAHWEH said let this mind be in you that was in YAHSHUA. The bread of idleness is a mind that has been altered and can not receive the truth. It is bewitched. Remember the saying, "A idle mind is Shatan workshop."

The Seed Of Deception Has Been Planted And Many Are Eating From It

This is a generation that the minds of the people are seared. We the people of YHWH are cities. In Tzephanyah (Zep.) 3:1 it says we are oppressing cities. There are four reason for the oppressing spirits: they obey not the voice of YAHWEH, receive not correction (instruction), trust not YHWH, and draw not near to YAHWEH with a clean heart. A seared conscience is to have a mind that cannot be stirred up. Children from childbirth have a seed planted in them. This is a TV generation. The parent teaches what the TV has taught them by the powers of darkness. In every home there is a table. The TV sits and spur out vomit and you eat from that table. It is a projection of the vision of hell. These boxes project a delusion and take away from the reality of life. In the midst of quietness Shatan plants his seed of deception.

A Man Purpose In His Lev To Please YAHWEH Or He Will Not Be Able

Daniel is a good example of one who loved Almighty YAHWEH. He purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, or with the wine that he drank. Daniel intentionally proposed in his lev (heart) and was determined not to defile or pollute his heart, mind, soul or spirit with the so-called good things of this world. This is a sickly generation. They have to be reminded over and over again, because they have no purpose. There must be a purpose in the lev (heart) of man to please YHWH or He will not be able to obey.


2006 Messages


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