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 Most Abominable Evil; 
Denial & Forgetting YAHWEH's Law

My son, forget not MY Law;
but let your heart keep MY Commandments:

When a man forgets the Law of YAHWEH he opens up his heart, his house and his nation to every abominable thing that there is. There is an abomination that is much more insidious than the horrible things we see taking place on the earth today. It is the denial and the forgetting of the Law of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. 

Does The Enemy Come In At Will To Destroy You?

Once we realize WHO our  ABBA (FATHER) is and what we possess as we walk in HIM, then we will become mighty and victorious in this life. If we do not realize that, then we are not going to walk in the power of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. WE will walk in defeat and the enemy will come in at will to destroy us.

The True Sign Of A Kohen (Priest) Of YAHWEH

The true sign of a kohen (priest) of YAHWEH is that he seeks after the Law of YAHWEH. A kohen (priest )has the knowledge which is a revelation of the strength of WHOM YAHWEH is, because he has had an experience with the ABBA. He has had trials and tribulations. There have been afflictions. He understands his purpose and his calling, for he is chosen of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH.

Do You Reject The Law Of YAHWEH?

When a man forsakes the Law of YAHWEH he will praise the wicked, but when one keeps the Law they will contend with the wicked. This religious spirit today has departed out of the way of YAHWEH. Religion has caused many to stumble. There must be a seeking and understanding of the Law of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. We know that in that Law there is a power to govern every spirit that rises up to cause us to stumble at YAHWEH's Law.

What Does It Mean To Despise The NAME Of YAHWEH?

You despise YAHWEH when your offerings are not pure and your worship is not right. The most abominable evil is when a man rejects, denies and forgets the Law of YAHWEH.

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