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The harsh material existence led gradually to a revival of the sense of vocation among the Hebrews.

The only purpose of this outline is to give a general idea of the spiritual development of the people of Yisrael. After Yahshua Ben Nun (Joshua) (1200-1175) the graph sums up the historical sequence, which will be dealt with in later works in this series of the history in Scripture on this site.

We are concerned here with the spiritual ascent alone; it does not always coincide, far from it, with material advance. Thus, during the four hundred years spent in the Wadi Tumilat (9) the conditions of life obviously improved, but the idea of a mission grew weak. On the other hand, during the ‘forty years’ spent in the desert (10-11) with Mosheh, an opposite effect can be observed; the harsh material existence led gradually to a revival of the sense of vocation among the Hebrews.

It should be noted that in ancient history before 600 B.C. dates cannot be determined with any accuracy. They are given here merely as an indication.

ABRAHAM: (1850-1780?), son of Terah.

1. About 1850, Abraham leaves Ur, in company with the clan of his father Terah.

2. About 1830, at Haran, the revelation to Abraham of the one, SET APART, invisible YAHWEH.

YITSCHAQ (ISAAC): (c. 1780-1700?), son of Abraham.

3. His life is not marked by any striking event.

YACOB: (c. 1700? -1620?), son of Yitschaq (Isaac).

4. The troubles that marked the patriarch’s early days.

5. The crossing of the Jabbok.

6. Yacob understands his mission.

YOSEPH: (1700? -1620?), son of Yacob.

7. Yoseph arrives in the Egyptian Delta, occupied at that period by the Hyksos and their Asiatic collaborators.

8. Yacob and his sons come down to the Delta.

9. For about four centuries the Yisraelites remain in the Nile Delta area.


10. About 1225, the Exodus or departure from Egypt in the reign of the pharaoh Meneptah. The crossing of the Red Sea. Sojourn for about a year near Sinai.


Death of Mosheh on Mount Nebo (c. 1200).


11. About 1200 the Hebrews cross the Jordan in the neighbourhood of Jericho.

12. From 1200 to 1175, the tribes of Yisrael settle in Canaan.



13. 1175-1040, the Judges.

14. 1040-1030, Samuel.


15. 1030-1010, Saul.

16. 1010-970, David.

17. 970-931, Solomon.


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