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Behold The Days Come Said Sovereign YAHWEH: Famine Of EliYah

The famine or the lack, will not be for bread or the thirst of water, but it will be for the hearing of the Words of YAHWEH. They shall go to and fro, from the east to the west and from the north to the south to simply hear a Word from ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. They will wonder and seek out counsel and yet HE will not send forth any counsel because they are at ease in Zion. They have taken the pure oracles of YAHWEH and they have brought them under the law of corrupt flesh, traditions, and ideas. That has actually brought bondage unto the people of the House of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, until there is no pure liberty to cry out nor to lift their hands, because their hands are unclean today. 

Powers That YAHWEH Has Unleashed Upon This Wicked Earth

When you are truly touched by YAHWEH you are made free from every kind of bondage and every kind of circumstance, whereby your mind will not be captivated by the strange spirits roaming the earth today. There are powers and princes today that ALMIGHTY YAHWEH has unleashed upon this wicked earth because men have rejected HIS truth. When a man hears truth and receives it down in his soul, it begins to break every shackle and bondage off of his life.

There Is No Crying Or Sighing

Men today have rejected and denied YAHWEH's truth, so they walk estranged from HIM. As YAHWEH spoke unto AMOS, HE repudiated a people, "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion." This is a generation, in this unrighteous world, that there is nothing pure that comes out of it. YAHWEH said that you are among an unrighteous people and there is no crying or sighing for the wickedness that you see that is being perpetrated. Do you understand the spirit of this unrighteousness? It is not of MY will saith YAHWEH! Because you will not cry out unto ME saith YAHWEH, there is a day that is coming that I will send a famine in the land.

Bondage Unto The People Of The House Of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH

The famine or the lack, will not be for bread or the thirst of water, but it will be for the hearing of the Words of YAHWEH. They shall go to and from from the east to the west and from the north to the south to simply hear a Word from ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. They will wonder and seek out counsel and yet HE will not send forth any counsel because they are at ease in Zion. They have taken the pure oracles of YAHWEH and they have brought them under the law of corrupt flesh, traditions, ideas. That has actually brought bondage unto the people of the House of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, until there is no pure liberty to cry out nor to lift their hands, because their hands are unclean today. 

You Are Going To Have A Desire To Hear Words But There Will Be A Famine

It takes an effort today. It is not a liberty that moves with a fluidity like it ought to. Those things should flow from our heart and embedded in our souls. The life of our souls ought to be to please YAHWEH and do the things that bring a response from the face of ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. We are bound and caught up in our flesh because we have been at ease in Zion. YAHWEH said that I am going to bring a day that you are going to have a desire to hear words but there will be a famine, a lack of the Words of YAHWEH.

I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of YAHWEH:

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