2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 76


76:1  And he answered and said to me:  Since the revelation of this vision has been explained to you as you prayed for, hear the Word of YAHWEH the Most High that you know that which will happen to you after these things.

76:2  For you will surely depart from this world, nevertheless not to death but to be kept unto (the end) of times.

76:3  Therefore, go up to the top of this mountain, and all countries of this earth will pass before you, as well as the likeness of the inhabited world, and the top of the mountains, and the depths of the valleys, and the depths of the seas, and the number of rivers, so that you may see that which you leave and where you go.

76:4  This will happen after forty days.

76:5  Go, therefore, now during these days and instruct the people as much as you can so that they may learn lest they die in the last times, but may learn so that they live in the last times.

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