2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 73


73:1  And it will happen that after He has brought down everything which is in the world, and has sat down in eternal shalom on the throne of the Kingdom, and then joy will be revealed and rest will appear.

73:2  And then health will descend in dew, and illness will vanish, and fear and tribulation and lamentation will pass away from among men, and joy will encompass the earth.

73:3  And nobody will again die untimely, nor will any adversity take place suddenly.

73:4  Unjust judgment, condemnations, contentions, revenges, blood, passions, zeal, hate, and all such things will go into condemnation since they will be uprooted.

73:5  For these are the things that have filled this earth with evils, and because of them life of men came in yet greater confusion.

73:6  And the wild beasts will come from the wood and serve men, and the asps and dragons will come out of their holes to subject themselves to a child.

73:7  And women will no longer have pain when they bear, nor will they be tormented when they yield the fruits of their womb.

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