2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 67


67:1  And the eleventh black waters you have seen; that is the disaster which has befallen Zion now.

67:2  Do you think that there is no mourning among the malakim before YAHWEH the Mighty One, that Zion is delivered up in this way? Behold, the nations rejoice in their hearts, and the multitudes are before their idols and say, ..She who has trodden others down for such a long time has been trodden down; and she who has subjugated has been subjugated."

67:3  Do you think that YAHWEH the Most High rejoices in these things or that HIS NAME has been magnified?

67:4  But how will it be with HIS righteous judgment?

67:5  But after these things those scattered among the nations will be taken hold of by tribulations and live in shame in every place.

67:6  For so far as Zion has been delivered up and Yerusalem laid waste, the idols in the cities of the nations are happy and the flavor of the smoke of the incense of the righteousness of the Torah has been extinguished everywhere in the region of Zion; behold, the smoke of the impiety is there.

67:7  But the king of Babylon will arise, the one who now has destroyed Zion, and he will boast over the people and speak haughtily in his heart before YAHWEH the Most High.

67:8  And he too will fall finally.

67:9  These are those black waters.

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