2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 61


61:1  And the sixth bright waters which you have seen; this is the time in which David and Solomon were born.

61:2  And at that time the building of Zion took place, and the dedication of the sanctuary, and the shedding of much blood of the nations which sinned at that time, and the many offerings which were offered at that time at the inauguration of the sanctuary.

61:3  And rest and shalom reigned at that time.

61:4  And wisdom was heard in the assembly, and the richness of understanding was magnified in the congregations.

61:5  And the Kodesh festivals were fulfilled in happiness and much joy.

61:6  And the judgment of the rulers was seen at that time without deceit, and the righteousness of the commandments of YAHWEH the Mighty One was accomplished in Truth.

61:7  And the land which then received mercy, since its inhabitants did not sin, was praised above all countries, and the city of Zion ruled over all countries and regions at that time.

61:8  These are those bright waters you have seen.

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