2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 39


39:1  And YAHWEH answered and said to me: Baruch, this is the explanation of the vision which you have seen.

39:2  As you have seen the great forest surrounded by high and rocky mountains, this is the world:

39:3  Behold, the days will come when this kingdom that destroyed Zion once will be destroyed and that it will be subjected to that which will come after it.

39:4  This again will also be destroyed after some time. And another, a third, will rise and also that will possess power in its own time and will be destroyed.

39:5  After that a fourth kingdom arises whose power is harsher and more evil than those which were before it, and it will reign a multitude of times like the trees on the plain, and it will rule the times and exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon.

39:6  And the Truth will hide itself in this and all who are polluted with unrighteousness will flee to it like the evil beasts flee and creep into the forest.

39:7  And it will happen when the time of its fulfillment is approaching in which it will fall, that at that time the dominion of MY Anointed One which is like the fountain and the vine, will be revealed. And when it has revealed itself, it will uproot the multitude of its host.

39:8  And that which you have seen, namely the tall cedar, which remained of that forest, and with regard to the words which the vine said to it which you heard, this is the meaning.

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