2nd Book Of Baruch Home > 2 BARUCH 20


20:1  Therefore, behold, the days will come and the times will hasten, more than the former, and the periods will hasten more than those which are gone, and the years will pass more quickly than the present ones.

20:2  Therefore, I now took away Zion to visit the world in its own time more speedily.

20:3  Now, however, remember everything which I commanded you and seal it in the interior of your mind.

20:4  And then I shall show you MY strong judgment and MY unexplorable ways.

20:5  Therefore, go away and sanctify yourself for seven days and do not eat bread and do not drink water and do not speak to anybody.

20:6  And after this time come to this place, and I shall reveal MYSELF to you, and I shall speak to you true things, and I shall command you with regard to the course of times, for they will come and will not tarry.

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