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YAHWEH's Signs Of The End of This Age

Man's mind is perplexed, his heart failing him for fear because he looks after those things that are about to come upon the face of the earth (Luke 21:25-26). There are wars, famines, floods, drought, starvation, spread of incurable diseases, terrorist attacks, nuclear weapons, murders, and the list goes on and on. YAHSHUA tells in MattithYah 24:4-39 that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. The greatest horror is not the events that are happening upon the earth, but the terror of an eternity apart from YAHWEH. There is a horror ahead for all who reject YAHWEH'S name and his offer of love, mercy, and his plan of yeshua.

Why Yahweh Pours His Judgment Upon A Nation

When a nation and a people turn their back on the one and only creator and reject his laws and truth; the great creator YAHWEH will reject them. YAHWEH saith unto YirmeYah that the people have forsaken him: therefore HE will stretch out HIS hand against them, and destroy them; for HE is weary with repenting, YirmeYah 15:6. YAHWEH is going to judge with fierce indignation; and his wrath will be poured out without measures. These end time events are unfolding whereby YAHWEH'S anger is about to be administered.

What Pagan God Are You Worshipping

YAHSHUA declared in the last days that men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, unthankful unholy, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of YAHWEH.  They will despise the name of YAHWEH. They will make unto themselves their own gods. These idols are gods of pleasure, beauty, homes, money, sex religion, constantly scheming for ways to dominate others and so on. An idol is anything you worship in place of the living YAHWEH. 

Are You Seeking A Sign?

You wicked and adulterous generation, there will no sign be given unto you except the sign of Noah.

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