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YAHWEH's Word Answers; How Do We Pray?

O YAHWEH, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction,

When you pray in the name of "god" you pray just like the Muslims, for what is their god's name? The Pentecostal and the Apostolic all pray to the same god and they all pray just alike. When Moshe went to the children of Israel in bondage in Egypt he had to give them a NAME of the ONE that had sent him, for Egypt was known for the names of their gods. He went with the NAME of his ABBA YAHWEH.

Voice Came From Heaven For Your Sakes

We have been brought up in our traditions and many cannot break free of the bondage of that strong delusion. YAHWEH can deliver you from that bondage of your traditions. You must break the shackles of that spirit or you are going to die in your sins. Once you hear the truth you are responsible for that truth. When YAHWEH brings you to the knowledge of HIS NAME then you must walk and preach in that NAME. In Yochanan (John) 12:29 MESSIYAH YAHSHUA said this voice came from heaven for your sakes, not for MINE, because I know the NAME that I came in the power and the strength of.


When someone tells you to do something you will immediately want to know who is instructing and by what authority they are sent, do you not? YAHWEH's NAME is HIS memorial that reminds men of HIS great feats, for HIS identity is in HIS NAME. YAHWEH's NAME is said the same in any country that you are in. HIS NAME does not change because of circumstances, time or languages! There is only one NAME whereby yeshua is that NAME. There is no j in the Hebrew language so how does man translate YAHSHUA to Jesus? HE did not have an English name or come to an English people.

YAHWEH ABBA of your fathers, the ABBA of Abraham, the ABBA of Isaac, and the ABBA of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is MY NAME for ever, and this is MY memorial unto all generations.


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