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Cry Aloud, Spare Not, Lift Up Your Voice

The Invitation To Repent And Turn From Wickedness
 Brought Forth By The Man Of YAH

Contents of Sermon Message:

The Voice Of YAHWEH Brought Forth By The Man Of YAH

YAHWEH commands the Man of YAH to cry aloud against the wickedness of the people of YAHWEH. There is no judgment today in the religious sector. It is full of false piety. No one considers that the righteousness of the people of YAH is disappearing. Great wickedness is overtaking not only the world but the people of YAH are also falling into it. YAHWEH will restore this righteousness by the preaching of the Man of YAH. (Isaiah 57:1) Discipline brought forth by the Man of YAH causes the hearts of YAH'S people to return unto HIS commandments and turn from there wickedness. He will expose the depravity of the minds of the people through judgment.

The Invitation To Repent

YAHWEH constantly deals in the Torah with HIS people to be watchful and prevent the wickedness of the world from entering into their lives. YAHWEH gives us an invitation to repent and turn from our transgressions that our own iniquity will not be our ruins. YAHWEH has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and pleads with us to take heed to the messenger HE has sent and live. (Ezekiel 18:30-32)

Nuggets: YAHWEH has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and pleads with us to take heed to the messenger HE has sent and live.


2007 Messages


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