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YAHWEH Bids You To Come And Follow

We Must Follow YAHSHUA With A Pure Motive

Contents Of Sermon Message:

Come Follow

We must be able to follow. In order to follow, one must be led. In this generation we need the Ruwach of YAH and men that will instruct us in the ways of YAHWEH. We have a mindset today that is arrogant and cannot be led. Our hope should be set upon the things of YAH. We should not allow anything to prevent us from following YAHWEH whether it be family, possessions or things. When you wake up in the morning YAHWEH bids you to come and follow HIS precepts and ways. YAHWEH provides everything we need to follow HIM. We must just obey HIS Word.

Wrong Motives And The Refusal To Follow MessiYAH

There are those that follow YAHSHUA for the loaves and the fishes. There were those that followed YAHSHUA for food and physical blessings. They did not truly love YAHWEH and soon left YAHSHUA. There are those that think they will escape persecution by following YAHWEH. This is not true. You must love YAHWEH so much that you are willing to suffer persecutions. We must deny ourselves and take up our stake in order to follow HIM. (Matthew 16:21-28) As the rich young man found it too heavy a burden to follow YAHSHUA so we also refuse to give up the things of this world. (Matthew 19:16-25) We must give up possessions and families in order to follow wholly after YAHWEH.

Nuggets: You must love YAHWEH so much that you are willing to suffer persecutions. We must deny ourselves and take up our stake in order to follow HIM.


2007 Messages


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