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Adversaries Opposing YAHWEH'S Torah

The Circumcision Of The Hearts Of The People Of YAHWEH 
Removes Rebellion Against The Torah

Contents of Sermon Message:

Stiff-necked and Rebellious People

We begin to oppose the Torah of YAHWEH when refuse to conform to the standards that YAHWEH has set for man. A person who will not allow the mind of YAHWEH to operate in him becomes a stiff-necked and rebellious man. (Acts 7:51) We often find ourselves in trials that bring oppression and depression unto us because we do not have the mind of YAH. This man resists the Ruach of YAHWEH and has contempt for the commandments of YAH. The Word of YAHWEH is a reproach to this man. (Jeremiah 6:10)

The Circumcision of The People Of YAHWEH

We are to be revived in the Ruwach of YAHWEH and be no more uncircumcised in heart and mind. (Isaiah 52:1) No unclean thing will come into the Kingdom of YAHWEH. We must cut out the spirit in us that strives against YAHWEH and the Torah.


2007 Messages


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