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YAHWEH'S Torah Causes Yisrael To Prosper

The World Is Full Of False Prosperity 
But Yisrael Prospers In The Obedience Of The Torah

Contents of Sermon Message:

Prospering Through Receiving The Word Of YAHWEH

If we receive the Word of YAH we will grow expeditiously and prosper. The House of Yisrael has always prospered because they were under the Torah of YAHWEH. People are destroyed because they lack the ability to understand and discern the paths that lead us unto YAH. YAHWEH desires that we would prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers. (3 John 1:2) We are commanded to meditate on the Torah of YAH continually that we may do all that HE commands. If we do this we will be prosperous and successful. (Joshua 1:8) When we transgress the Torah of YAHWEH prevent ourselves from prospering. Sin is the transgression of the Torah. Because we have forsaken YAHWEH and HIS ways, HE will forsake us. (2 Chronicles 24:20)

False Prosperity Of The World

 A man who is truly prosperous with the prosperity of YAHWEH is at full shalom. America is full of false prosperity. The wicked may seem to prosper but it is a false pretense. This seemingly prosperous wicked generation is full of things and possessions but there is no shalom to this wicked people. When a man has the shalom of YAHWEH there is a brightness to his Ruwach. When you transgress the Torah you are given over to the powers of the world. There is no shalom. The shalom of YAH is the soundness of one's mind. As long as one seeks the ways of YAH, he will prosper.

Nuggets: When we transgress the Torah of YAHWEH prevent ourselves from prospering.


2007 Messages


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