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The Trying Of Your Faith Works Patience

Receiving Help From YAH By Trusting In HIM

Contents of Sermon Message:

No Joy In Tribulation

We live in a time whereby the proliferation of gods and powers have risen to their zenith. We must have faith in YAHWEH and HIM alone. We should count it a joy to endure tribulations but we do not. (James 1:2) These trials are to prove Yisrael and to produce the power to wait on YAH without murmuring or complaining. We are a people that continually murmur and oppose the path that would lead us to HaMessiYAH. We put our trust in other powers that provoke YAHWEH'S anger. (Deuteronomy 32:15-20) We are a faithless and perverse generation. (Matthew 17:17)

Our Help Comes From YAH

We are commanded by YAHWEH to be not faithless even as YAHSHUA charged Thomas. (John 20:26,27) Without faith it is impossible to please YAH. We must not allow our minds to be shaped by this perverse world to doubt YAH. Our help comes from YAH. We should be prepared for the grievous wolves that seek to destroy and be able to stand against them. (Acts 20:28-32) Through the Word Of YAH we are built up and receive our inheritance. This is our expectation. Faith comes by hearing the Word of YAH. We that are Yisrael must go back to the Scripture and take heed to the way that YAH led HIS children through many seeming disasters and brought them into HIS full will for them.

Nuggets: These trials are to prove Yisrael and to produce the power to wait on YAH without murmuring or complaining.


2007 Messages


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