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Are There Any Good Men Today?

There are good  men  of  YHWH that endure as a Soldier of YAHWEH
and their steps are ordered by HIM

Contents of Sermon Message:

The steps of a good man are ordered  by YHWH

When a man walks in the law of YHWH,  he will please the ABBA.   The steps of a good man are declared,  ordered,  and they are established by ALMIGHTY YAHWEH.  There are fruit that will follow  a good  man.    He  is   disciplined, he judges  himself  and he can discern  righteously.   A good man knows that he has obtained  favor of YAHWEH.   ( Psalms 37:23, Titus 1:14, Psalms 112:4-5,  Proverbs 12:2,  Proverbs 13:22,  Proverbs 14:14   Proverbs  12:14)

Good treasures  and evil  treasures

YAHWEH'S  word is great   and HE speaks to man from the pages of the Scripture.  A good  man is satisfied  with the  Word  of  YAHWEH.   ( Matthew  7:17, 12:34-35,  Luke 6:45,  23:50-52) A   good  man  is humble  and  an  evil  man  is  haughty,  arrogant,  and  proud.  A  good  man is full  of the  Ruach Hakodesh and  has faith,  he  walks  in  wisdom and is quiet.   For we know that  an  evil  man  is heard  for  his  much  speaking and  unstable  in  all his ways.  There was one also in the scripture  named  Tabitha  which  also  did good  works  and alms.   ( Acts 11:19,  Acts 9:36,  Acts  22:12-13,  Romans 5:6-7,  Proverbs  2:20,  Titus 1:7,  Luke 8:15 )

The fool has said there is no YAHWEH

When a righteous man turns from his righteousness then he is not good.  He rejects truth  and he goes  out of the  way.  When  you go aside  of  YAHWEH   you  are not  good.   A  fool  will not hear  the sound   counsel  of  YAHWEH,  and  he  does  not  fear  YAH.     ( Romans 3:9-11,  Psalms  14:1-3,  Romans 3:12-19,  Psalms  53:1-4 )     

Endure  as  a  good  soldier

Good  soldiers  wait  on  YAHWEH  and  endures  hardness.   The  good  shepherd  knows  HIS  sheep  and they  follow  HIM.    What  is  good?   YHWH  requires  of  you to do justly, and to love mercy,  and to walk humbly.   A  good  man  is  loyal,  dependable,  trust-worthy, and  faithful  to  YHWH.  A  good  man  and  a  good  wife  finds  favor with   YAHWEH.                     



2007 Messages


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