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 The Light of Life

YAHWEH Creates Light and Darkness


  • YAHWEH Creates Light and Darkness

  • The war between the realm of light and the realm of darkness

  • The deeds of evil done in darkness 

  • The transformation from darkness to Light

  • The Light of YAHWEH brought forth by YAHSHUA

  • Walk in the Light

YAHWEH divided this light from the darkness

In the beginning YAHWEH created the shamayim and the olam. Darkness was upon the face of the olam. The ruach of YAHWEH moved and HE spoke that there would be light. When YAHWEH speaks things happen. YAHWEH divided this light from the darkness. Through Scripture we find instances where there is a divide between light and darkness. YAHWEH uses this physical manifestation to show us how those in spiritual darkness will be separated from those who have the Light of YAHWEH. (Bereshith 1:5)

The war between the realm of light and the realm of darkness

All it takes to over come darkness is just a little light. If you were to go outside at night you would see the moon and the stars penetrating through the night. (Bereshith 1:14-18) There is no light whatsoever in Shatan but he can transform himself into an angel of light. This is only a form of light and not true light. He is a master of deception. All the works Shatan can be found in the midst of darkness. We should not fellowship at all with the works of darkness. There is no fellowship between YAHWEH and Shatan. We must be careful in this age and time and remember that we are in warfare. There is war in your being if the light of the Ruwach of YAHWEH dwells in you. There is constant warring with the forces of hell and the flesh. The flesh is Shatan's weapon in warring with you. To let down your guard in this war is to put yourself and those around you in danger of hell. If you lose sight of the warfare that you are in you can easily be shifted into the realm of darkness. In the realm of light there is understanding, wisdom, YAHWEH'S Torah, there is a walk and way of life. In darkness there is also a way of life. This way is of deception, lies, and thievery. None of these things should be in us that call ourselves the qodeshim of YAHWEH. When we walk in this world we should have Light. YAHWEH has given us this Light because HIS WORD- YAHSHUA- dwells in us. We should not hide this Light under a bushel. Light is meant to be seen. There is a testimony in walking in the realm of Light. Men will notice this Light and even compliment it because it is something that is not seen in this wicked nation today. YAHWEH chose you and placed this beacon of Light in you before these events in Bereshith even happened. Every day this Light YAHWEH has given us should shine even brighter. YAHSHUA was the WORD made flesh and he walked in this Light. We should follow in HIS footsteps and carry the WORD of YAHWEH in our own levim.

The deeds of evil done in darkness 

Nicodemus came in the night to question YAHSHUA. (1 John 3:1-21) Nicodemus didn't come by day because there was darkness in him. Anytime you find yourself doing things in secrecy there is an evil and dark intent. Everything we do should be done in the light. Nothing should be done in darkness. YAHSHUA did nothing in darkness or disguise. When YAHSHUA came it was not that men didn't know who HE was because HE had hidden HIS identity. They did not know because they were in such gross darkness that they could not recognize who HE was.     

The transformation from darkness to Light

Except you be born again you will not see the kingdom of YAHWEH. (1 John 3:1-21) We must be born again because that is the transformation from darkness to Light. To have the Ruwach of YAHWEH placed in your lev is the transformation. Nicodemus could not understand this because he was thinking in the natural. A natural man cannot enter into this Kingdom of Light. One has to be transformed to enter into the Kingdom. You must be in the ruwach to enter this Kingdom. If there is darkness dwelling in you then you can never enter into this Kingdom. When you hear truth and do not receive it then you know this darkness is in your lev. Truth is the Light of YAHWEH and without Truth we would remain in darkness. YAHSHUA was this Truth. David prayed to remain in this truth that he might be delivered from falling and walk in this Light. (Psalms 56:11-13)   

The Light of YAHWEH brought forth by YAHSHUA

YAHWEH has sent Light into this olam by sending forth HIS SON YAHSHUA. (2 Timothy 1:10) When this Light is in you you will only trust in YAHWEH. The you will have no trust in this flesh. We should destroy the deeds and the lusts of the flesh and be transformed. There should be a transformation from the old man of darkness to the new man of Light. When your body is full of this Light there will be praises to YAHWEH. If you are mute and there is no praise it is because you are full of darkness. Those who hear the judgments of YAHWEH and walk in HIS Mercy and Truth will live in the Light of HIS countenance and rejoice. (Psalms 89:14-16) It should be our desire to walk before YAHWEH in the Light of the living. This precious source that YAHWEH has created in the olam is even more important in the spiritual realm. YAHWEH'S WORD should be the Light that we shine in our path every day. Our iniquities are our stumbling blocks but if we use YAHWEH'S WORD as our Light we can overcome these hurdles. You will not accomplish this by walking in darkness but you must have HIS Light.

Walk in the Light

YAHWEH is the true Light. If we say we have Light and do not follow HIM then we are liars. (1 John 1:1-10) YAHSHUA is the living power of the WORD of YAHWEH and we must walk in HIS ways. We need this Light in the midst of this dark nation. You must have light to grow and produce. You must have HIS Light to produce fruit in your life. You must have light for your physical body the same way you must have Light for your spiritual self. Only HIS people with HIS Light will be saved.


2006 Messages


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