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The Separation Between You And YAHWEH

Who Shall Separate You From The Love Of YAH

Contents Of Sermon Message:

Willingly Ignorant

What has separated you from the love of YAHWEH till there is no love for the Truth. This is a willingly ignorant generation. We are willing to oppose,  disobey, to give reason  and deny what YAHWEH says. What has caused our minds to be removed from Scripture. [Is. 59:2]If we are not walking in the commandments of ALMIGHTY YAH, then there is no love for HIM. [John 14:21-23 ,2Tim. 4:4 ,1Sam. 4:19-22 ,Heb.4:12]

Considering YAHSHUA

Consider Yahshua, who suffered such contradictions of the wicked.  Because we don't love YAHSHUA, then we are not willing to obey the pattern and example HE has set before us. We need the mind of YAHSHUA, we need to please YAHWEH in everything we do. Our desire should be to see the Kingdom. [John 14:31]

Nuggets: Follow the examples that YAHSHUA has set before us, eat of the table of YAH.


2006 Messages


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