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The Instructions Of YAHWEH

Torah Is YAHWEH's Power To Instruct You With Instruction To Make You Wise, A Discipline.


  • His Torah is HIS instruction to man

  • Abraham heard YAHWEH's instruction, because HE knew YAHWEH

  • When one desires wisdom, it leads to the Kingdom's Instruction

  • When one desires wisdom, it leads to the Kingdom's instruction

His Torah is HIS instruction to man

The enemy is preparing this generation to reject YAHWEH. We are going to be judged by every idol word. It's god worship, the creation is esteemed over the Creator. "As a whore despises, hates, and rejects a right and virtuous woman, so shall a righteous man hate iniquity." When one will not endeavor into Torah, he or she is walking in the spirit of a whore. His Torah is HIS instruction to man. It is the creature that has supplanted the truth of YAHWEH. The most identifying spirit of witchcraft, is to draw you away from Torah. Torah is YAHWEH's power to instruct you with instruction to make you wise, a discipline. This is a generation where instruction has no value in their lives. HE makes us to hear HIS voice, that HE might instruct "yacar" you, that we may know that it is by HIS authority, to instruct. All wise people will hear instruction.

Abraham Heard YAHWEH's Instruction, Because He Knew YAHWEH.

The enemy has kept you from scriptures. A wise man will always hear before he speaks. Statutes are a limitation to govern. Satan has sold us a false bill. Although MessiYah was rich, HE became poor to show us the light. Noah was moved by fearing YAHWEH in building the ark. "Many are called, but few are chosen. Abraham heard YAHWEH's instruction, because he knew YAHWEH. The Ruach is to instruct us. The Ruach first comes to identify sin. MessiYah is our living water, the hope of YAHWEH. The reason why our homes are the way they are, is because we have walked contrary to YAHWEH. That's why YAHWEH will punish seven times for your sins.

When One Desires Wisdom, It Leads To The Kingdom's Instruction.

When one rejects the instruction, that's a wicked person. "...seeing they hated HIS instruction, and cast HIS Word behind them.." Instruction always reproves. "..for the Commandment is a lamp; (and the Torah is light;) and reproofs of instruction are the way of life; to keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman." "For whoso despises wisdom, and instruction, is miserable, their hope is vain, their labors unfruitful, and their works unprofitable;" When one begins to understand wisdom, he loves instruction to keep the Torah. When one desires wisdom, it leads to the kingdom's instruction.


2006 Messages


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