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The Character The True Identity Of Yisrael It Prevails

Torah Has Always Been Life, MessiYah Is The Living Power Of The Torah.


  • We must go to the book, the Bereshith to identify the Seed of Jacob

  • YAHWEH Prevails, You Cannot Identify Israel Unless You Understand Truth.

  • When Israel Walks In It's True Character, Nothing Can Withstand It !

  • Torah Makes Us A Friend, Israel Is The Friend of YAHWEH.

We must go to the book, the Bereshith to identify the Seed of Jacob

In order for us to understand the true character of true Israel, we must go to the book, the Bereshith to identify the Seed of Jacob. We are this group rising up, those of dark skin, white, and Jew trying to identify themselves as the true seed. The man Adam was formed to show us how to come before YAHWEH. He was given the law-the Torah. Because of the corruption of the heart, the Word has been corrupted. Their heart has deceived them. The Character of Israel has not been changed, the power has deceived the mind. Scripture gives us the truth from the mind of YAHWEH, and unless you understand the Torah, you cannot understand the mind of YAHWEH. The natural causes you to reject Torah. Torah has always been life, MessiYah is the living power of the Torah. If we follow the Torah to the fullness, it will generate the life of YAHWEH.

YAHWEH Prevails, You Cannot Identify Israel Unless You Understand Truth.

How do we identify the character and identity of true Israel? The true sign of the true house of Israel is knowing their covenant relationship. This is a generation that turns it's heart away from YAHWEH. In Genesis 32:26-28, the last verse says, "and you have prevailed." -That is Gebar (prevailed) One is the identity of Israel; it is the one YAHWEH lifts up that prevails. They have the strength of YAHWEH. It prevails Israel. YAHWEH prevails, you cannot identify Israel unless you understand truth. One must be able to confirm the covenant of YAHWEH. When, has the prevailing power of YAHWEH? YAHWEH is the power that makes to overcome. Strong is the one that has the advantage. Israel is able. Israel- a prince has the power of YAHWEH, and with men, and has prevailed. You will know the power of Israel by the character.

When Israel Walks In It's True Character, Nothing Can Withstand It !

The power of America is ordained by the forces of darkness; there is no true identity. You are not going to have shalom without Torah. The Torah prevails!! The power of Israel is that she prevail, she is able to move with overcoming force. When Israel walks in it's true character, nothing can withstand it! Only Israel will hear YAHWEH. Israel is a prince with power, and able to overcome to fight the battle. YAHWEH is going to prevail against HIS enemies. America is a nation of Edomites. "Wisdom is the breath." Only Israel will receive the message of YAHWEH, of YAHWEH imparted!

Torah Makes Us A Friend, Israel Is The Friend of YAHWEH.

Wisdom is the reflection of light, a spotless mirror of the working of YAHWEH. Torah gives us the insight of YAHWEH's work. Torah makes us a friend, Israel is the friend of YAHWEH. Jacob was able to prevail, to overcome. YAHWEH loves those that love wisdom. Wisdom is more precious than light, but against wisdom, evil cannot prevail against YAHWEH. MessiYah is the mind of YAHWEH. We have let down the standards of YAHWEH, so evil prevails. As long as the men of YAHWEH lifts up the standard, the people will prevail! YAHWEH ordains Israel's way.

Definitions: Yakol- to prevail, overcome, endure, have power, be able, to be able to gain, accomplish Gabar- to prevail, have strength, to be strong, be powerful, be mighty, be great, to confirm, give strength, to confirm a covenant, to show oneself mighty, to overcome, to gain victory or superiority; to gain the advantage


2006 Messages


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