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Life: The Soul and Breath Of YAHWEH

YAHWEH Creates Life And Imparts The Soul Into Man By HIS Breath

  • The Second Day: Creation Of The Firmament

  • The Waters And The Dry Land

  • The Waters And The Dry Land

  • The Elements Are The Very Necessities For Life

  • The Grasses, Herbs and Fruit Trees Created On The Third Day

  • The Sun, The Moon And The Stars

  • The Differences Between "Life" In English and Hebrew

  • YAHWEH'S Might Is Made Known In The Creation Of Man

  • The Fruit That YAHWEH Will Come Looking For

  • The Vast Difference Between The Life In Animals And The Life In Man

  • All Souls Belong to YAHWEH

  • YAHSHUA Is The Power Of The Living YAHWEH

In the beginning YAHWEH created the shamayim (heaven) and the 'erets (earth). This 'erets in Bereshith (Genesis) 1:1-5 was without form and void. Without form, or tohuw, means it was empty or without shape. Void, or bohuw, means that it was a wasteland. Nothing would grow on it. Darkness, or choshek, was on the face of this deep. YAHWEH caused HIS Ruwach to move on this deep to create light and then divided the light from darkness. HE saw HIS creation and beheld that it was good. This was the first day.

The Second Day: Creation Of The Firmament

In Bereshith 1:6-8, YAHWEH spoke that the firmament, or raqiya', be in the waters and divide the waters from the waters. When we read that YAHWEH divided the waters from the waters this means that in this expanse, or raqiya', there was a division. The waters that are on this 'erets (earth) were divided from the waters in the shamayim (heavens). The Hebrew word for water is mayim. Shama is to say it is high. When you add mayim to this prefix you have shamayim or the waters above us. Clouds are basically water vapor. So, this is the seperation between the waters on the 'erets and the waters in the shamayim.

The Waters And The Dry Land

YAHWEH spoke that the waters under the shamayim be gathered together unto one place and that the dry land appear. YAHWEH called this dry land in Bereshith 1:9-10 the 'erets or earth. HE gathered together the waters and called them seas. YAHWEH saw that this, also, was good. Everything YAHWEH does is good. Every good and perfect gift comes from HIM.

The Elements Are The Very Necessities For Life

All of these elements that YAHWEH has created are necessary to sustain life in our physical bodies. Over 88% of our bodies are water. Every living thing must have water . Sunlight, also, is very important. We need light. In metaphor, we need YAHSHUA, who is the LIGHT of YAHWEH and the WORD made flesh. Scripture says that YAHWEH sent light into the world. Men would rather be in darkness that to be in this light. There are creeping things that actually can grow in the darkness but without light there would be no balance. We need light, water and the earth to sustain life.

The Grasses, Herbs and Fruit Trees Created On The Third Day

On the third day in Bereshith 1:11,12, YAHWEH caused the earth to bring forth grass, herbs and fruit trees. These all produce seed. The grass produces seed after it's kind and the fruit trees produce seed within themselves. YAHWEH saw that this was good.

The Sun, The Moon And The Stars

YAHWEH commanded that there be lights in the shamayim to divide the day from the night. These lights were for signs. These lights were the stars which have been used to discern the seasons. The sign that the MessiYAH was born was manifested in a star to the shepherds. The wise men also saw a sign in the shamayim. The difference was that the shepherds were spoken to by a malak and then led by a star. The wise men were stargazers, or astrologers. They followed these things through writings and Scripture. YAHWEH then made two great lights. The greater light for the day and the lesser for the night. In Bereshith 1:14,15 this is the record of the fourth day. YAHWEH did this to pronounce the vast difference between light and darkness. Before the RUWACH of YAHWEH moved on the face of the earth, there was only darkness. This is what happens in the heart and soul of man when YAHWEH does not move in that person. When you do not have the RUWACH of YAHWEH abiding in you then you cannot move. Even in the physical realm a person cannot move without esprit. Life brings forth this esprit.

The Differences Between "Life" In English and Hebrew

Animals breathe the same ait that humans breathe. Yet, when YAHWEH created Adam he did something unique that was different from all other creation. When YAHWEH created man he did more than just cause him to breathe air like the fowl of the air and fishes that were created on the fifth day in Bereshith 1:20. In Scripture we read of life in several places. Some places the English term for "life" has another meaning because it is a different Hebrew word. In Hebrew, there is a word for "life" such as plant and animal life and even human life. Then there is word for "life" which means to save someone's life. There are different words for the word "life" that we use in the English. In English you cannot get the full concept of what the Scripture is saying.

YAHWEH'S Might Is Made Known In The Creation Of Man

When YAHWEH formed man out of the dust HE proved in that act how mighty HE is. YAHWEH breathed into man the breath of life. Not only do we have this breath but the animals also have this breath. There is a distinction when the man became a living soul. Right then man was the closest thing to YAHWEH. No where else in Scripture did YAHWEH breathe into a plant or an animal. HE breathed the breath of life into man and that breath of YAHWEH formed a living soul in Adam. This is important because not only can a soul live but it also can die. Living is when YAHWEH'S RUWACH began to move. When HE breathed breath into Adam he began to move. Not only physically, but his soul moved and was stirred inside of him. At that moment, Adam was the closest thing to YAHWEH. He had a like-mindedness to YAHWEH. Adam could understand what YAHWEH was speaking unto him. He could understand because he had the RUWACH of YAHWEH. After YAHWEH made the woman, also, HE visited them into the garden. When you have the RUWACH of YAHWEH you will feel HIM move. You will not be empty or lifeless. Even now as Torah speaks to us, life should be in us.

The Fruit That YAHWEH Will Come Looking For

In Bereshith 2:9, YAHWEH placed fruit whereby Adam could eat. All that Adam needed was in the garden. When YAHWEH comes again, HE will come looking for fruit. Not just fruit but an abundance of fruit. He will come looking for what HE started in the beginning: HIS RUWACH.

The Vast Difference Between The Life In Animals And The Life In Man

Noah moved with fear in Bereshith 6:17 because YAHWEH was going to cause rain to fall from the shamayim. Previously, the plants had received water from the mist. YAHWEH not only opened up the skies but also the waters that were under the earth. YAHWEH was destroying by water those that breathe. Animal and man both were destroyed. All were destroyed except those that were saved in the ark. Breath in this Scripture is chay in the Hebrew form. In Bereshith 9:4, 5, the meaning of "life" changes from chay to nephesh. "Nephesh" is the soul. The thing that YAHWEH imparted into Adam when HE breathed into him. This Scripture is speaking about the wickedness of cannabalism, The reward for partaking in cannabalism is death. The worst thing man can lose is the soul.

All Souls Belong to YAHWEH

The malak speaking to Lot in Bereshith 19:17-19, speaks of this soul or nephesh. Lot used the word nephesh because YAHWEH was saving more than just his presence in existence. When you pass from this life your body will decay but your soul is going to go on into judgment. Shatan can not even kill the soul. Only YAWHEH can kill men's' souls. You can see this death in many people because the RUWACH of YAHWEH does not move in their lives. In Ezekiel 18:4, YAHWEH says that all souls are HIS and that the soul that sins can and shall die. In this time, YAHWEH is going to judge you for your own sins. Exekiel 18:20 tells us that YAHWEH will not judge you for the sins of your mother or anyone else. HE will judge you for your own sins. If you are living, if you have the RUWACH of YAHWEH moving in you then you are righteous. If you are wicked then your sins will follow you into judgment.

YAHSHUA Is The Power Of The Living YAHWEH

YASHUA is the word made flesh. Everything that YAHWEH did was by the power of HIS breath and life. HE filled Adam with the essence of HIS truth and HIS WORD. If we do not have the RUWACH of YAHWEH we are dead. There are many dead today because there is no love for the truth. Without the breath of YAHWEH giving us hope we have no hope at all.


2006 Messages


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